I'm a net admin for a medium network, 92 stations. I've got 12-20 boxes each run to hubs, these hubs run to a backbone managed switch. In additon, I have another managed switch breaking up a long cable span.
Relevant info: One of my wintel boxes experiences scads of collisions when downloading, but not when uploading (or being downloaded from, I should say). TCP/IP of course, and everything is 100MB full duplex. I can log into my switch and monitor port counters for collisions, and through testing, I have arrived at the above conclusion.
I can't figure out what is causing my collisions. Cable span is about 50 feet. The machine operates fine on any other connection. I have not tried another machine on the line, but I have tested the cable, and the pinout tests fine. Pinging from a linux box returns no packet loss or significant delay. There is no traffic weighting enabled on the switch.
Here is what I suspect, and I am really looking for someone with EE experience who might be able to answer it. I suspect that the cable for this link may pass close to a flourescent ballast, and that this ballast is emitting enough EM noise to create false collisions. I cannot verify the cable route, as I inherited the network from someone else. Also, our helpful maintenance guys have installed insulation above the suspended ceiling, so I can't see anything up there anyways.
Is there a way to test for line noise with a PC? Is there a good tool for this type of troubleshooting? Is there some obvious solution that I can't seem to grasp? I'm stumped. I could use any and all advice.
I'm a net admin for a medium network, 92 stations. I've got 12-20 boxes each run to hubs, these hubs run to a backbone managed switch. In additon, I have another managed switch breaking up a long cable span.
Relevant info: One of my wintel boxes experiences scads of collisions when downloading, but not when uploading (or being downloaded from, I should say). TCP/IP of course, and everything is 100MB full duplex. I can log into my switch and monitor port counters for collisions, and through testing, I have arrived at the above conclusion.
I can't figure out what is causing my collisions. Cable span is about 50 feet. The machine operates fine on any other connection. I have not tried another machine on the line, but I have tested the cable, and the pinout tests fine. Pinging from a linux box returns no packet loss or significant delay. There is no traffic weighting enabled on the switch.
Here is what I suspect, and I am really looking for someone with EE experience who might be able to answer it. I suspect that the cable for this link may pass close to a flourescent ballast, and that this ballast is emitting enough EM noise to create false collisions. I cannot verify the cable route, as I inherited the network from someone else. Also, our helpful maintenance guys have installed insulation above the suspended ceiling, so I can't see anything up there anyways.
Is there a way to test for line noise with a PC? Is there a good tool for this type of troubleshooting? Is there some obvious solution that I can't seem to grasp? I'm stumped. I could use any and all advice.