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unterminated string constant error

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Jun 11, 2003
I am getting the error "unterminated string constant".
I have an input box. When I type "affected party" and press submit. The submit button calls an insert function and it inserts into an Oracle database. This all works fine.
When I copy and paste "affected party" from a word document into the input box and press, submit I get the "unterminated string constant" error. I think the problem is the word document has a carriage return after the "affected" and then "party" follows the carriage return. I think the carriage return is cause the error. I am not sure how to go about fixing this problem.

Can anyone help?


This shoulds like an VBScript error not an SQL Sintax error.
Try to post the code.

George, M
Here is the input box I am using.
variant_array = PopulateRS(strSQL, db_CATS)

response.write &quot;var pane2 = &quot;&quot;<table border=0 bgcolor = #e7e4d6 width = '67%' height = '100%'>&quot;
if isarray(variant_array) Then
for i = 0 to ubound(variant_array, 2)
response.write &quot;<tr><td align = right>Var:<textarea COLS='30' ROWS='3' NAME='variant__&quot; & i & &quot;'>&quot; & variant_array(2, i) & &quot;</textarea>&quot;
response.write &quot;<tr><td align = right>S:<textarea COLS='30' ROWS='3' NAME='variant_source_&quot; & i & &quot;'>&quot; & variant_array(3, i) & &quot;</textarea>&quot;
response.write &quot;<tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>&quot;
for i = 2000 to 2002
response.write &quot;<tr><td align = right>Var:<textarea COLS='30' ROWS='3' NAME='variant__&quot; & i & &quot;'></textarea>&quot;
response.write &quot;<tr><td align = right>S:<textarea COLS='30' ROWS='3' NAME='variant_source_&quot; & i & &quot;'></textarea>&quot;
for i = 0 to 2
response.write &quot;<tr><td align = right>Var:<textarea COLS='30' ROWS='3' NAME='variant__&quot; & i & &quot;'></textarea>&quot;
response.write &quot;<tr><td align = right>S:<textarea COLS='30' ROWS='3' NAME='variant_source_&quot; & i & &quot;'></textarea>&quot;
end if

This line i see has an string error.
The others looks ok.
response.write &quot;var pane2 =  &quot;&quot;<table border=0 bgcolor = #e7e4d6 width = '67%' height = '100%'>&quot;
try this way.

response.write &quot;var pane2 =  &quot;&quot;<table border=0 bgcolor = #e7e4d6 width = '67%' height = '100%'>&quot;&quot;&quot;

but you can do even easyer if you want to combine ASP script with Client side Script

'asp code here
var pane2=&quot;<table border=0 bgcolor = #e7e4d6 width = '67%' height = '100%'>&quot;
'asp code here

your response.write &quot;var pane2 =  &quot;&quot;<table border=0 bgcolor = #e7e4d6 width = '67%' height = '100%'>&quot;&quot;&quot;

would go to

var pane2=&quot;<table border=0 bgcolor = #e7e4d6 width = '67%' height = '100%'>&quot;

George, M
Looks like a variable in Client Javascript.
Both sugestions are ok.

George, M
I have found it helpful to start Netscape and run javascript: from the address line after I have a problem. Try it to see if you get a more specific error. Does anyone know a good way of getting error debugging with IE?
Tools->Internet Option->Advanced tab->Uncheck &quot;Disable Error Debugging&quot;

George, M
I am a similar situation to the above question. I copied some code from another page that works, no bugs, no problems, just returns. Now that same code (modified for different table and field names) gives me an &quot;unterminated string constant&quot; for a ' ... I'm confused.

If request.form(&quot;FT&quot;)=&quot;key&quot; then
SQLsrc = &quot;SELECT * FROM history WHERE &quot;
SQLsrc = SQLsrc & &quot;((history.Year) Like '%&quot; & request.form(&quot;Year&quot;) & &quot;%') <--- It doesn't like the last '
end if

(line# & Column#s error info is great)
Maybe it should be like
SQLsrc = SQLsrc & &quot;((history.Year) Like '%&quot; & request.form(&quot;Year&quot;) & &quot;%')&quot;

George, M
If that was a poisonous snake I'd be dead now. Thanks for pointing out my blinding... err just blindness.

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Part and Inventory Search

