After creating the sections you need, select Tools>Protect>Forms, and click on Sections. There you can just uncheck the sections you do NOT want protected, and the others (the checked sections) WILL be protected.
Thanks for the quick response, but I don't have that option. I have Word 2000 and my version only has Tools-Options-Protect Document. Could that Protect Forms feature be turned off?
Can you click Tools then Protect Document and then see the Forms option? If so, next to it should be the Sections button. If it is greyed out, then I would come closer to thinking perhaps your document does not yet have section breaks.
I have 3 sections in this form and I have selected the one I want to unprotect, but there are no other options--only protect document. When I click on it, it either unprotects or protects the entire form instead of just the part that I want unprotected. I have the section breaks showing and when the document is on "protect" ALL of the section breaks say "end of protected section"
Huh? Not Tools > Options, but Tools > Protect document. Are you saying you do not have this? Tools > Options > Protect is not for forms. It will not protect for forms, this is a document protection.
You do not unprotect by selecting the section. You do with the Sections button.
As sawedoff stated, Tools > Protect document should give you a choice to protect for Forms, with a Sections button beside it.
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