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Unistall terminal services

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May 13, 2002
When trying to uninstall TS. a warning screen popped up and said "programs that where installed while terminal services where installed will stop working and need to be reinstalled" is this true? I know that TS application mode in Windows 2003 is installed by default. I am having problems with Remote Desktop due to expired grace period with TS. I recently read a thread that if you unintall TS it will fix this problem. Will I need to reinstall Exchange 2003 if I uninstall TS?
I know that TS application mode in Windows 2003 is installed by default"

Terminal services in application mode is NOT installed by default on 2003.

"I am having problems with Remote Desktop due to expired grace period with TS. I recently read a thread that if you unintall TS it will fix this problem"

Remote desktop is not TS in application mode. This is the administrative TS connection that allows two simultaneous connections and does not require a license server.

If you are running in application mode, and you are getting license errors, you need to install a license server. Reinstalling TS in application mode will not fix the fact that you do not have a license server.

Do you actually need application mode, or do you just want to connect for adminisrative purposes?
I am not trying to run terminal services in application mode. I need only administration mode. Since w2k3 as broken admin. mode to remote desktop and uses terminal services only for application mode I have run into this problem. It seems when the w2k3 O.S. was installed there was a choice for application or admin. Well, application was chosen. Since the T.S. license server has not been activated (which I do not want to do if it will cause futher problems), I read that if you uninstall T.S. and have remote desktop checked in my computer this will enable the admin remote desktop (admin mode). I am concerned about unintalling terminal services when it says that all programs installed during terminal services will have to be reinstalled. Is the true in the case of Exhange or Sql?
Uninstall terminal services in application mode from add/remmove programs. You dont need it.

You are looking for RDP. Right click on my computer, properties, click on the remote tab. Check the box that says allow users to connect remotely.
I appreciate your reply Mlichstein, and I understand how to start RDP and uninstall T.S. I am concerned about installed progams not operating properly after uninstalling T.S. I am receiving this warning after unchecking T.S. in add remove programs "Programs that where installed while terminal services where installed will stop working and need to be reinstalled". Will I have to reinstall programs such as Exchange etc..
I doubt you will have to reinstall exchange. But I've never uninstalled TS from an exchange box.
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