I've a big problem! I've restored a server from an image and than I've replayed the systemstate a day before.
Everything is running. - Only the ServeRAID Manager shows errors in the eventlog. I've tried to uninstall the program in the control center. - The setup fails with an error. After that I've tried to install the ServeRAID again. This fails, too.
I had these problems with the Symantec 8. A Symantec supporter gave me a link and there was an uninstall guide deleting registry keys and so on.
Can you help me to uninstall ServerRAID manually???
Thanks in advance
I've a big problem! I've restored a server from an image and than I've replayed the systemstate a day before.
Everything is running. - Only the ServeRAID Manager shows errors in the eventlog. I've tried to uninstall the program in the control center. - The setup fails with an error. After that I've tried to install the ServeRAID again. This fails, too.
I had these problems with the Symantec 8. A Symantec supporter gave me a link and there was an uninstall guide deleting registry keys and so on.
Can you help me to uninstall ServerRAID manually???
Thanks in advance