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Uninstall Win98 from Win2000 Server 1

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Technical User
Jul 2, 2001
How can I uninstall my Win98 OS from the Win2000 Server? We don't need both but do need the space on hard drive.

Anyone out there done it successfully? Thanks.

From what information you have left I assume that the 98 install is on a seperate partiton due to it needing it's own programfiles forlder and that it will not reside on an ntfs partition, and though win2k will sit on a fat32 partition, ntfs is really needed for a good server install.
With these assumptions remove the windows 98 folder and programfiles from the other partiton. Un-hide the boot.ini in the root and remove the line which loads win98.
If they both happen to reside on the same fat32 partiton, then the process is the same, though you have to leave the programfiles folder as it is used by win2k. Afterwards convert the volume to ntfs.
Let me know if this is any good, or if not please give more details.
Thanks for the advice. Don't know how Win2000 server was set up originally (since I didn't do the install) at work, but as usual, I'm the one to clean up the mess. Will let you know.

Before you do anything you are not sure about, get what partitons and file systems are used and let me know and i'll advise you on how to proceed.
Gave the info to my co-worker (who set it up with the boss). She said they set up server with NTFS. It wasn't clear how they partitioned it and whether they installed W2K Server over an existing W98 OS. In any case, I think I'll let them mess it up instead of getting blamed if there's a screw-up and 10 people can't get access to the network. Thanks anyway. I do have a different problem on my network in my home office that maybe you could help with.

I installed W2K server over my existing W98 OS and had an abort problem so it didn't fully install. I started having boot-up problems after that. Now I can't boot at all (not even with a bootable floppy). I don't know if the Registry is corrupted or I have a BIOS problem or the mobo has gone hinky. Load up stalls at verifying DMI pool data, then finally asks whether I want to boot from HDD or CD-ROM. Neither option works. I reboot (tried both cold and warm boots) and start the process all over with the same problem.

Specs: PIII/733 w/Via Apollo mobo; 384MB RAM, Award Bios v6.00 (6 mo old), also running EZ-BIOS on top (came with it); Maxtor 46GB HDD (new); 3Dfx Voodoo 3 graphics card; 52x Creative CD-ROM and 8x4x32 Lite-On CD-RW. The CD-ROM isn't always recognized on boot-up (get gibberish on loading at times) which is set as Secondary Master (the CD-RW is set as Secondary Slave).

Need help soon before I use it for target practice! Thanks.

Could try boot to floppy fdisk /mbr then try to get in to set up and format the drive and load everything new again.
If you have access to another computer create the four floppies. Put the server cd in and navigate in explorer to the bootdisk folder and double click on makeboot.exe.
Or run <cd-rom drive letter>:\bootdisk\makeboot.
I'll grab the W2K CD and either make floppies (although I tried that with W98 bootable floppy and it didn't work - kept telling me it wanted a system disk, doh!) or else try running it from the CD (assuming I can access either CD drive!). Will let ya'll know tomorrow night when I can get around to it. Thanks for the tip.

BTW, maybe my CD drive problems have to do with the new 52x CD-ROM I installed as Secondary Master. Maybe I should have installed the CD-RW as secondary master and installed the CD-ROM as secondary slave? Any thoughts? Can't remember if I tried that already.

I think your problem revolves around the ez-bios software. It is a crap piece of software designed to enable the harddisk to be lba'd if the system bios does not support it.
If memory serves it will not automaticaly boot off a floppy, you have to tell it when prompted or from a key stroke. The ez-bios program installs and runs the 98 boot files after loading into memory and translating the hdd.
You will probably find, win2k's ntloader and assorted files have corrupted the ez-bios hence boot problems.
Two things spring to mind. The bios may have decided to auto detect your hdd and has lba'd the drive, ezbios lba's the lba causing a problem when the drive had been setup for ezbios to lba standard translation. Check the bios and set the hdd mode back to normal if on lba or large.
If this doesnot work, the best I can suggest is as you have a via board and award bios it should support lba. Set the bios to standard/normal translation, using the ezbios disk(and knowing how to make it boot of the fdd) remove ezbios. This can only be done with the install disk as fdisk and I think even pqmagic will not remove this program. This will also make the hdd totaly inaccessible(though with all the different translations and failed installs it's most likly corrupt anyway)with an effective blank hdd set the bios to auto or lba and reinstall.Western digital also supplied this program if you have not got the orig disk. Try Maxtors web site. See if they have any fdd booting info and a downloadable version.
Have fun.
Doesn't sound like fun to me (lol) but thanks for the info. You're the second person to suggest the EZ-BIOS trashed all. I don't have the original disk but will check for a download and delete the darn thing. If I can get that far I'll probably fdisk and re-format. Wish me luck. Will post later tonight.

Be warned. If memory serves, fdisk will not remove the program because it will have to be installed to enable fdisk to see a large hdd, therefore fdisk will not remove it or it defeats the object of having the program installed to start with. I suggest you contact maxtor for the program.
You may need to find Low-Level Formatting software to get rid of that EZ-BIOS POS, it takes a few hours, but it will wipe everything off the HDD, then you can fdisk WITHOUT USING THE EZ-BIOS (your Motherboard will handle any size IDE drive availble on the market). then install your OS. I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every moment of it.
I made boot disks, ERD, and have the CD for W2K to hopefully remove that junk first. Then I'm going to remove the EZ-Bios crap. Will go to Maxtor's web site or check another one someone told me about to get the setup program (since it didn't come with this machine). Maybe I can accomplish all this without wiping my drive, but at worst I can always fdisk, re-format, and reinstall that is, if I can get a bootable floppy to work).

It's funny (Not!) but my Bios does support LBA so maybe the two did conflict in the end. It certainly all worked until I installed W2K server, anyway. Will post later to let you know what happened after I've tweaked for awhile.

No luck yet doing a full install w/W2K. I'm getting the I/O error -- failed to load arc read...the partition for signature. Tried it on two separate partitions (c: and f:).

BTW, someone mentioned disabling the ACPI as it conflicts with W2K's handling of this stuff but my bios only gives me two options: S1(POS) and S3(STR). What is that? It was on S1 to begin with. Anybody?

Also, someone mentioned that if you don't see the EZ-Bios screen on start-up then you've effectively gotten rid of it. As I searched, I've found many people having problems going back several years with this crappy program.

acpi wont have anything to do with it. Win2k will know from your bios that you have an apm machine, though this detection does not start until the gui setup starts.
I think your first priority is to remove the ezbios. The screen can be made null so dont take this as gospal its gone.
Was trawling maxtors web site. apparently they call it maxblast. There is plenty of entries in their knowledge base on this software.
If you goto and put maxblast in the search box it will return one result. download it and follow the instructions on the maxtor website to remove it.
Have fun and dont be suprised that with all these translation problems all your data most likly is corrupted.
Boo! I have the MaxBlast disk that came with my drive. I'll run it again and try to delete the EZ-Bios, then I'll see if I can just go ahead and re-partition and re-format (sigh). Will post after work tonight. Have a great day.

OK, guys, I can't get any floppy boot disks to work, therefore, no c: prompt, no boot up files, no fdisk, no nothing. If I put in the W98 cd I do get the screen that asks for choice of 1. Boot from CD-ROM, or 2. Boot from HDD. I chose 1, then got a black screen with blinking cursor for 5 minutes with some HDD activity. BTW, my Max Blast install disk didn't do diddly-squat either.

Ooh, finally got W98 startup menu. Tried starting from CD-ROM, then it didn't find any CD-ROM devices. Doh! At least I got this far. Any suggestions out there?

check the faq's on the maxtor website to see if there is any mention on booting from a floppy.
Your help has been invaluable. But I've finally admitted defeat and I'm tired of wasting time on this. Since my HDD is still under warranty (it's only been 2 months), Maxtor gives you a no-hassle policy to return the unit and have it replaced within 2 days. I pulled it out and I'm going to send it to them next week. Then I will do a clean install with W98 and Linux and go from there. No more W2K (unless I set up a separate box for experimental purposes). Thanks for all. Talk to you later.

Dont forget, no utilities to create drives larger than 525mb, leave it all to the bios and lba.
Have fun!!!!
Thanks, I'll remember. I was needing to do a fresh install anyway and at least this will be more fun! See ya.

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