At this page which say
Windows Forms are entirely Unicode-enabled, ...... You can also write a single set of code which will work on all platforms. This is a change from previous versions of Visual Basic, in which you had to write different code for different platforms such as Windows NT and Windows 98.
However, certain controls do not support Unicode in Windows 98 and Windows Millennium Edition. These controls, all of which inherit from the common control, will process data with the Windows code pages, as ANSI. These controls are: TabControl, ListView, TreeView, DateTimePicker, MonthCalendar, TrackBar, ProgressBar, ImageList, ToolBar, and StatusBar. The result of this is that you cannot display Unicode data in these controls on the listed platforms. For example, you cannot display Japanese characters on an English Windows 98 system.
Does this mean that TEXTBOX, LABEL, BUTTON display unicode font correctly?
But my form display unicode-font objects improperly on windows 98. Surprisely, only BUTTON displayed properly. Please tell me why? What's wrong?
Please help me, thank in advance
Jimmy Le
At this page which say
Windows Forms are entirely Unicode-enabled, ...... You can also write a single set of code which will work on all platforms. This is a change from previous versions of Visual Basic, in which you had to write different code for different platforms such as Windows NT and Windows 98.
However, certain controls do not support Unicode in Windows 98 and Windows Millennium Edition. These controls, all of which inherit from the common control, will process data with the Windows code pages, as ANSI. These controls are: TabControl, ListView, TreeView, DateTimePicker, MonthCalendar, TrackBar, ProgressBar, ImageList, ToolBar, and StatusBar. The result of this is that you cannot display Unicode data in these controls on the listed platforms. For example, you cannot display Japanese characters on an English Windows 98 system.
Does this mean that TEXTBOX, LABEL, BUTTON display unicode font correctly?
But my form display unicode-font objects improperly on windows 98. Surprisely, only BUTTON displayed properly. Please tell me why? What's wrong?
Please help me, thank in advance
Jimmy Le