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Unattended Installations

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Jun 5, 2000
As I don't know the best forum for this post, I will post in a couple, hope this does not bug too many people.

I understand there are many ways to do unattended installations of software programs. We use Microsoft SMS, and need ways of installing and completely uninstalling various programs. All of these programs are compliant with W9x, NT, and 2000. The current methods of deployment use techniques similar to "snapshots" where it takes a picture of the disk structure (files/folders and what-not) runs the install program, then takes another picture of the disk. From these two pictures, it developes an EXE with the required file transfers, registry entries, etc.

This works all fine and dandy if all your machines are the same make, model, CPU, Memory, Hard Drive Space, blah, blah, blah...... But in the real world, organizations have to support many different kinds of computers, OS's, Hardware, employee programs, and so on.

As I am fairly new to doing this, my question is: "Is there a software utility out there that can take the original install files from any (OK, most) applications and make them into unattended installs?" And the flip side of that is, "Can it also do an unattended un-install of the software?"

I see a lot of software out there: (InstallShield, WinBatch, etc...) Does anyone know if these programs do what I need? Being stressed for time (who isn't), I am not looking for a 500-page book I need to read to be able to figure it out, and I am not a programming dude, so coding anything is out.

I would appreciate any suggestions / personal examples you may offer. Thank you.



"Drawing on my fine command of language, I said nothing."
on *most* win95 or win98 cds is a directory just for doing this. \tools\reskit\batch or \admin\batch

this has worked 99%.
maybe someone else can help here but I (we) couldnt get it to batch install without entering in the OEM number (win95) we never tried win98.

good luck

Thanks for the reply.
so simplify my questions into one, I am looking for a program that will let me remotely install and un-install ANY program.

Thank you.
>:):O> anongod@hotmail.com

"Drawing on my fine command of language, I said nothing."
The problem seems to be with the individual application setups. Almost all of them require user intervention at some point (mouse click on the "Okay" button, enter the CD-Key and your company information, "Would you like to register on-line?", etc.)

Yes, there is a program that will let you install other programs remotely. It's called PCanywhere. No, there isn't a program that will do unintended installs of "any" program. Such software would require true AI and we just haven't come that far yet.

I plan to incorporate automatic distribution features in my own software but I haven't considered ways to allow it to distribute other software. True, it will be able to execute "SETUP.EXE", if it knows the UNC path to the file, but it will be totally lost as soon as "SETUP.EXE" notices that the install path doesn't exist and asks whether it should be created. There are just too many ways for such a scheme to go horribly wrong at the risk of losing customers.

There are some tasks we simply can't ask a program to perform for us (select our next wife, install Linux, vote for president).

Ususally applications are "repackaged" using a tool such as InstallShield or WISE. These have features that let you take snapshots of a target system before and after installation, then capture all systems changes and files to build an unattened install that duplicates what was done on the target. The can also script an install or use Windows Installer.

One shortcoming is that you usually need to do different distributions for each OS you are supporting.

There is a new forum for Application deployment that this would be a good initial post to start it off.

Home > Forum Areas > Application Deployment > Application Deployment


If everything seems to be going well: you don't have enough information.......
Jeff's answer is much better. InstallShield Pro will let you do practically anything you want to do (even modify the registry and call the API from within the setup script) but, in my view, it would take a great deal of work to do an unattended distribution across a network without creating some form of DLL hell on a fair portion of the systems. This wouldn't be much of a problem with a small "service pack" upgrade to existing software but, aside from ghosting from one system to others with similar ware, it would be a pretty tough job and I wouldn't want be responsible for cleaning up the mess.

Jeff was also right about the new Application Deployment form. This discussion would probably draw better responses there.

Thank you for the thoughts, I have researched this for the last couple of weeks, and am just tired of looking for an answer. The final solution seems to be software-specific. What kind of options each software manufacturer supplies with the setups of their software, and how these are implemented (.iss files, msi files/customization, and switches).
As I am not a programmer, and getting into coding script is (by choice) beyond my reach, and being burdened in other areas, I think the answer is to utilize each software's install options, and use the SMS installer when the software does not allow for the required delivery method.

Thanks again.
>:):O> anongod@hotmail.com

"Drawing on my fine command of language, I said nothing."
Dear AnonGod,

Right up front let me tell you that I'm a software vendor.

My company, Open Software Associates, makes the specific solution you are asking about. netDeploy Global does full lifecycle management for the enterprise, all the way through to decomissioning software (which you mentioned).

You asked for quick reading so let me direct you to If you're an SMS shop go to
If you'd like to talk to someone who can give you very detailed information for specific questions you've got you can call me, William Davenport, at 800.441.4330, or email me at william@osa.com, and I can put you in touch with a person who is much more technically savvy than I.

Up front, I'm a software vendor. I think I've replied to you before but reading through the string below I see an important issue raised that our solution addresses.

One reply mentioned problems with "DLL Hell". We've seen this and thankfully, our solution solves DLL hell automatically. No more apps that won't run because the DLL has been corrupted or replaced with a "newer" version.

For details on this check our website, or if you'd like to talk to a software consultant email me at william@osa.com and I'll put you in touch whith someone who handles these problems every day. Even if our product isn't for you we may be able to give you some good suggestions because we are intimately familiar with InstallShield et al.

I work for a large telecom company (We had 77,000 employees until 10% were let go last week) and we have been using On Command CCM for unattended installs of winNT, Win2K, and 40 - 50 various applications. I imagine it is pricey, however, The one thing I've noticed is that it's all built around using MS Installer. MSInstaller packages, from what I've looked at so far, seem to be macro-like meaning that it can record a custom installation and answer any user intervention popups automatically.
Darn...Where are you all dudes working? On the make everthing more complex then it is Company???
If you search the home page for most application like
Lotus notes, Office, Snagit,Ceasar, Winzip, Adobe Acrobat reader and soooooooooo on you will find out how to install
all this application unatended. Most application can use somekind of /S or /q = Silent/quiet install and if you are lucky they can read all the settings from an ANSWER file
like Acrobat reader and Lotus Notes and soo on. I have tryed all this using IBM Tivoli IT director that don't support the snapp shot install. It should work fine with MS SMS too but you wont get all the nice info and feedback from the SMS client but it works and it cost nothing!!!
It would bee nice with some kind of with HOWTO
on all the application that can be installed this way.
15.000 Clients, 1200 Servers.....
I am in charge of something like about 50 comps in an enterprise that basicly teaches computer stuff to clients. Its like a computer school. Everytime i have a new course i like to clean install everything again ao this is an issue that i am aware since it is much easier to remote intall/uninstall then to go to every machine, every time.
In my search for this kind of software i ran into one peace os software called PRISM DEPLOY wich i am testing right now. Try it if u wanna have a go and let me know if it has what i need. When i am finished testing i will post results here again.
The webpage for dl is
Wow, awesome response.
Thanks everyone - lots of good products here.

"Drawing on my fine command of language, I said nothing."
Not a vendor, didn't like netdeploy's product. Waay too cloogy to install.
conversly had great success with Altiris ( They host the SMS conference (they bought computing edge) so I am inclined to think MS likes them too.
Another good product is Veritas WinINSTALL for OS and software deployment. If your planning on going to a 2000 network and a pure 2000 desktop creating a RIS install server and packaging your apps and I used winbatch to create a local menu (version Upgradable menu) and do custom silent installs of the applications.
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