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Unable to create Jintegra JVM object on Windows XP 1

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Jul 9, 2002
Hi all,
I am getting an error dialogue while starting ETD wizard using ETD editor. I am having Window XP. The error says
"Unable to obtain a moniker for the new JVM. Unable to create JIntegra JVM object". Can anyone has answer?
Check whether jintegra service is running or not in the window services
Thanks, JIntegra service is running. I am getting an error when i try to go to the second page of DTD ETD wizard in ETD editor. Can somebody help me out?
most often this is a resource problem.

I get this when my PC was running for a while - never when it was freshly booted. (with 256MB)

You might need to add main memory

It is the problem of dll's clashing.Is Aventail installed on your system?If yes then it should be ASRES.dll.What is happening is when ever system is booting some how all ur STC services are pointing to these dll. If not these dll then their might be some other dll.You can find out what are dlls are running on your system.You can get this tools on net, these are freefare.....
I am getting this same message as well....

I cant believe 256 is not enough memory...we run this on multiple 2000's with 128k ram.....has anyone found out more?
Has anyone nailed this problem? I am experiencing it hard on Win2k. I've a gig of memory and, while it's being steadily gulped by an svchost/jintegra logjam - its quantity isn't the problem.

I believe that only from version 4.5.3 can run onder Windows XP. (Answer from SeeBeyond Helpdesk)

Hello all, I don't know whether anyone is still getting this error or not:
"Unable to obtain a moniker for the new JVM. Unable to create JIntegra JVM object".

I encountered the same issue while using e*Gate 4.5.2. Although I only got the error when I worked remotely. I took two steps to correct this:

1. I went to my systems set up and made sure that my Class Path in my Environment Setup was properly configured. I found out that the Oracle Client, JDK and Seebeyond JDKs installed on my machine were all conflicting. I modified these and also applied the changes in regedit. Problem solved!!!

2. The second was simple, at times when I'm coding from the office and later disconnect and work from home without shutting down I sometimes still get the error. Solution? Reboot!!!

I hope this is helpful to anyone out there.
Did anyone ever get a definitive answer on this?
Environment variables:



I have looked at everything but still when it compiles a crs, I get
"Unable to obtain a moniker for the new JVM.
Unable to create JIntegra JVM object"

Any help appreciated as I'm about to chuck my laptop out of the window!!!!

Was the conflicting dlls comment true? If so, how I can I find out what is conflicting?

What can I check in regedit?

Currently running 4.5.3 but had same problem when I tried to install 4.5.2
I had this problem too and solved it by turning the DCOM subsystem DCOM on ()on W2K Prof:

- Open DCOMCNFG.exe in SYSTEM32
- Turn to the "standard properties" page (I don't know the exact name of the page as I am using a German W2K)
- Select the "Activate DCOM on this computer" (or similar) check box.

This solved the problem at once.

Good luck, Martin


Thanks for tip. SeeBeyond also got me to check this but it's set on my computer!
Wondered if there is anything via registry that I could check to verify this? or a test I could do to ensure that DCOM is activated.

I have ZoneAlarm (firewall) and VPN software installed but I disabled these during java and eGate install. Maybe zonealarm has affected my use of DCOM. I will investigate whether it is 'blocked'.

Any other pointers welcomed!

It seems like your jintegra installation and JDK may be the culprit - look at this:

Accessing Java Objects running anywhere from COM clients running on unmodified Windows machines
In this article I will show you how you can access Java objects (including EJBs) running on any Operating System from COM clients running on a standard Microsoft Windows NT (SP4 or greater) or Windows 2000 machine. There is zero deployment overhead: you will not have to install any software at all on the Windows client machine.
The example uses Visual BASIC as the COM client, although the same code could be used from environments such as Active Server Pages. On the Java side it uses the J-Integra pure Java-COM bridge from Linar. You will need the jintegra.jar file from the kit on the machine running the Java objects that are accessed from COM. Since this is a pure Java jar file, this machine can be running any operating system using any JVM (JDK 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 are supported).

How does it work?
You use a J-Integra tool (GetJvmMoniker) to generate a COM objref moniker. This is a long string which represents a reference to a COM object. You can use this string from COM clients to dynamically access a COM object.
In our case the objref moniker string generated by GetJvmMoniker references a JVM Java object (an instance of a J-Integra built-in Java class) sitting in a JVM running somewhere. This JVM object can be used to instanciate and access instances of other Java classes in the JVM.

The following steps are involved:
Display the JVM's moniker
Start the JVM
Access Java objects fron the Windows VB client by using the moniker
1. Display the JVM's moniker
On any machine that has the jintegra.jar file from the J-Integra kit on it, set your CLASSPATH to include jintegra.jar.
Then run the com.linar.jintegra.GetJvmMoniker Java class, specifying the full TCP/IP name or address of the machine running the JVM in which Java objects will be accessed, and a free TCP/IP port number as parameters:

java com.linar.jintegra.GetJvmMoniker mymachine.mycompany.com 1350

I would suggest fully uninstalling your JDK (make sure you are on 1.3.1 NOT 1.4) removing any JDK references in the registry and environments and then reinstalling JDK1.3.1_08 and set the CLASSPATH - c:\jdk1.3.1_08\lib\tools.jar and PATH - c:\jdk1.3.1_08\bin
Ok, so now I eat my own words!! The company I work for just upgraded my system last night to Windows XP Pro. I now get an error compiling ETDs.

I THINK THIS IS A JINTEGRA/.NET PROBLEM. I have 2 systems - one with WebSphere Studio (WSAD) and SeeBeyond and other with Visual Studio .NET and SeeBeyond. The .NET client has the problem and the WSAD client does not.

I found this on yahoo: I will check the JIntegra site for more info::::


From: _DL J-Integra Support <j-integra_support@i...>
Date: Wed Apr 16, 2003 6:46 pm
Subject: RE: [jintegra] Re: Error : Running COM Clients in Native Mode(in- proc ess)

Hi Gaurav,

Thanks for sending all those log files, they have been very helpful in my debugging. I'd like you to send me a couple more log files though, the jintegra.log file and the config.log file.

You can create the jintegra.log file by changing the JVM settings for NIPJvm. In the regjvm window click the Advanced checkbox to show the advanced settings. In the properties textbox insert the following properties:


That should create a jintegra.log file in c:\. I would also like you to send me a config.log file. I'd like to have a listing of your current settings..

For instructions on generating the config.log file please refer to the following article:

Generating Log Files

Kallol Mitra - J-Integra Support, Intrinsyc Software

Check out Ja.NET for seamless bi-directional pure Java/J2EE - .NET interoperability. Sometimes Web Services are not enough.

-----Original Message-----
From: Gaurav Raveshia [mailto:graveshia@yahoo.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2003 11:10
To: jintegra@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [jintegra] Re: Error : Running COM Clients in Native Mode(in- proc ess)

Hi Kallol,

I installed jdk 1.3.1_07 and tried the example.

Still get the same error:

Run-time error '-2147221019 (800401e5)':

Automation error
No object for moniker

Uploading file gaurav041603_jintmk3.log


J-Integra and Windows XP
As stated in the related article &quot;JDKs and Platforms Supported by J-Integra&quot;, J-Integra is fully supported on the Windows XP platform. However, the following error may occur if you are using J-Integra v1.5.4 or older.

The error reported below has been fixed as of v1.5.5. Please download the latest version from our website. When you run your application on Windows XP with the latest runtime, you will need to use the following property to avoid this problem...

A detailed explanation of this property can be found in the related article &quot;J-Integra Runtime Properties&quot;.

J-Integra Problem on Windows XP (up to and including J-Integra v1.5.4)
The problem occurs when calling Java methods from VB clients. If a VB Object or a VB variable is passed in as one of the parameters to the method, and an exception is thrown on the Java side, the exception will not get passed back to VB correctly. Regardless of what exception was thrown, the resulting VB error will always be:

Err.Number = -2147023113
Err.Description = &quot;Automation error: The stub received bad data.&quot;

For example, suppose you have a Java method defined like this...

public void stringMethod(String str) throws Exception {
throw Exception();

In VB, this method call will result in the Java exception being properly passed back to VB on a Windows XP machine...

stringMethod &quot;pass a string constant&quot;

However, calling the method like this will result in the strange error message shown above (because a string variable is being passed as the parameter instead of a string constant)...

Dim str As String
str = &quot;pass a string variable&quot;
stringMethod str

This call, which passes a VB Object as the parameter, will also result in the strange error message shown above...

Dim obj As Object
stringMethod obj

Note: This problem only occurs under the following conditions:
1. The platform is Windows XP (it does not occur on any other Windows platform).
2. Late binding is being used (early binding works normally).
3. DCOM mode is being used (running J-Integra in Native mode works as expected).
4. So far we have only seen this problem for VB clients. VC++ clients seem to behave normally.


Thanks for your postings. I will digest them at home with laptop and see how I get on!

I am running Win2000 with Office XP.

Particularly interested in your note about .NET. I have installed .NET but I'm not using at moment (installed it to have a look at when I had some time!)

To summarise though, what do you suggest I try:

- Uninstall .NET, JDK
- Reinstall JDK (which version? - don't SeeBeyond say to use 1.3.1_02?)
- ?


Uninstalled .NET and now my error is:

Unable to start JVM. Error=Timed out waiting for the JVM to start.
Compile Failed.

Will try to uninstall JDK and re-install.

Uninstalling JDK didn't work either!!
Will try once more to uninstall the whole lot (eGate, JDK) and clean registry.
Then re-install.

Anyone else got any ideas on this one?
I'm really stuck!
Can I put logging onto JINTEGRA / JVM?
Anyone know what happens when I hit compile in the crs editor?
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