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Unable to authorize DHCP server 1

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Mar 6, 2001
Hi folks,

I have about a day to fix this before the IP Address leases on my remote machines expire and I dont have a way to renew em.

I have a remote site in Kentucky. This site had an nt 4.0 server, acting as a BDC, a WINS server, and a DHCP server. We purchased them a new win2k server, I configured it in my office and shipped it up there. They are shipping us back the old one (it's in transit)for an upgrade and reassignment.

Here is my problem. I had my contact up there in KY plug in the new server and fire it up. I had already configured terminal services on it, and once it was booted I was able to connect to it with no problems. WINS is working fine, netlogon is fine, its replicating fine blah blah. However, no matter what I do, I can't get it to allow me to authorize it as a dhcp server. I get the error message, "The specified server already exists in the directory."

I have been on the MS KB all day and have tried deleting it in AD sites and services, tried the adsiedic.msc and all the other things MS suggests, to no avail.

Has anyone run into this and fixed it????? I really need some help here or in a day or so, I will be on the phone, walking 25 people through configuring tcp/ip properties manually.


Thanks in advance!
Aww, c'mon, Kentucky's just a short flight away! :)

I see your point. Please let us know how things turn out.
This may sound really stupid, but have you tried re-booting the server. You won't believe how many times I've magically "fixed" something with no more than a re-boot. I'm having a different problem with a new server, but sp3 didn't fix it as it is third party software causing the problem. Trouble is, mickysoft won't talk to you until you install it. Good luck. Glen A. Johnson
Microsoft Certified Professional
"Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood."
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 1882); US philosopher, poet, essayist.
Yes! I've rebooted the server a zillion times already.

I have done everything reasonable known to mankind..time to start doing the unreasonable I guess
Could you have it sent back to you, plug it in and see what happens? Glen A. Johnson
Microsoft Certified Professional
"Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood."
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 1882); US philosopher, poet, essayist.
Well its probably no consolation but you aren't the only one who has had this problem. Interestingly both of the others have experienced the problem with SP2 being recently installed.
Ok, here is the latest. I double/triple and quadruple checked the AD sites and services consule and ran the adsiedit.msc and made sure there were NO traces of any reference to the problem server anywhere on any of my DCs.

I reinstalled sp2. I rebooted the server. I went back to the dhcp consule and tried to authorize the server. This time, I did NOT get any error about it already being in the directory, but it's also not showing that it's authorized.

I went back and checked the sites and service and the adsiedit and the server IS showing up in there , with just one entry, so when I clicked authorize it did add it but its still showing as not being authorized.

WHAT is going on here? I swear, you know, they said that upgrades were a pain and never work right? I have had more problems with this server which is a NEW install then with all the upgrades combined.

By the way, sp2 came installed with this server. I was just reinstalling as an act of desperation :)
Could be just taking a while to show as authorized.It can take a while before it shows as authorized. You could get your onsite person to release and renew a client to ensure they do get an address.
If they aren't sure how to do it write a batch file for them. Here is one I have used. The pause as you already know leaves the results on screen to see.Hitting any key after that quits the batch file.

[batch file name]ipcon.bat
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew
ipconfig /all
Ive triggered a manual replication. Im thinking maybe it needs to replicate before it will be authorized?

I authorized it here, on what was my pdc and is now my pdc emulator but when I logged onto the server itself that is giving me fits, it wasnt showing up yet in the sites and services cn=netservices and it wasnt showing up yet when i ran an adsiedit.

Maybe I just have to be patient! what a concept.

fortunately, I leave in 30 mins so if its not fixed by then, I'm done with it for the day
Good morning,

Here is the latest...

I have logged onto my server this morning. I am getting no more replication errors about the cn=netservices object having two objectguids. No more event 1226 replication errors.

Went back through Sites and service, netservices, the problem server is showing up in dhcp services, with one entry, no duplicates. Did the same in adsiedit utility, once again, server is showing up with one entry. Everything LOOKS normal, like it should, however the darn thing STILL wont authorize.

I dont see the need to run the ntdsutil anymore as Im getting no replication errors and no duplicate entries.

Is there anything else I can do or just wait and see what happens. At this point, it doesnt even matter anymore as I'm going to be doing manual tcp/ip configs anyway.

Install sp3 maybe?

Heres the deal folks...in a DESPERATE attempt to get this working, and really not wanting to either remove sp2 or install sp3, I went for the easiest thing first, the registry hack that NO ONE WAS AWARE OF, except for one lone person on this site who has my UNDYING gratitude!

Bug in sp2 that does not allow a dhcp server to be authorized can be corrected using the following hack:

Using the syntax from MS KB article Q297847:

Disable Rogue Feature detection:
Set the following registry key:

Value name: DisableRogueDetection
Data type: REG_DWORD
Value data: 1

Thanks everyone for ALL your help!!!!!!!! HAVE a GREAT weekend..I know I will. Darn shame I can't go home now :)

With what you've been through, I'd say damn the torpedoes, I'm going home. Glad it worked out.

[cheers] Glen A. Johnson
Microsoft Certified Professional
"To learn something new, take the path that you took yesterday."
John Burroughs (1837 - 1921); US author, naturalist.
Thanks Guys :)

Im still on cloud 9, unfortunately, one never has a ton of time to savor the victories as there always seems to be another crises waiting in the wings!

I AM going out drinking this weekend though :)

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