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Ultradev 4 to build dynamic pages

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May 13, 2001
I am using a remote server that is running the Apache webserver on a Unix platform.
I am trying to use Ultradev 4 to build dynamic pages that can connect to my Access mdb database that is on there.

I will list all the information I have already setup and then maybe someone can help fill in the gaps or tell me why it isn't working.
On the aplication server tab I have the following info:

Server Model: ASP 2.0
Scripting Language: VBSCRIPT
Page extention: .asp
Access: FTP
FTP Host: ((my servers IP Address))
Host Directory: /usr/local/etc/httpd/vhosts/myfolder
Login: ((my login))
Password: ((my password))
URL Prefix: ((this is what I don't understand what to put))

On the Define connections It is asking for a connection name and a connection string.
I do not know what to put for the connection string.

With this information I would be very happy if someone can tell me what information I need to put in to make this connection work.

I know it is just a matter of getting the right path names in but I have different things but nothing seams to work, I get error screens telling my that my connection that I defined is not working.

I can connect to the folder on my server with Ultradev and upload and download files, but that is it.

Can anyone who can help me get this connection working for me so I can build pages that can access a MDB database on my server.

The URL prefix: If you plan to put your page to then you'll have to put this string ( into the URL prefix field. DW then looks if you enter an URL that is on the same server as you defined here and so makes a relative path out of it automatically. I never used this feature though - I think so far should a web developer be able to think for himself...

The connection string for an ASP page is the one that the ODBC driver uses. Problem: If you have no ODBC (like on a Unix machine), this won't work...
Anyway - are you sure your Apache supports ASP?

I would in this case (with your server environment) try to work with PHP and MySQL - but that needs coding by hand, as DW UD does not (yet, I hope) support PHP.
BtW: Does anybody know of a UD4 PHP plugin?

allow thyself to be the spark that lights the fire
haslo@haslo.ch - www.haslo.ch​
Thanks Haslo,

I am not sure if the Apache server supports ASP, I will find out, but if it doesn't (and I have a funny feeling it won't) then which will be better to use, PHP or MYSQL?
I will have to learn one of them (atleast until I find that PHP plugin for DW you were talking about.

Well, PHP is a server side scripting language really worth learning. Try joining the PHP section of these forums, many useful infos will be findable there.
MySQL would be the database instead of Access. There is also a problem using Access on an Apache Server.
So PHP and MySQL don't contradict each other ;-)

By the Way: I found out that PHP coders are normally pretty proud of their ability to code by hand and would rather not create a plugin for Dreamweaver...
Are you limited to the Apache? If you could use another provider that supports ASP, JSP or ColdFusion (the Server most probably running a Microsoft IIS as your Database is right now done in Access) you would still be able to create the page using UltraDev...
allow thyself to be the spark that lights the fire
haslo@haslo.ch - www.haslo.ch​
Yes I am limited to Apache, but my server people said that JSP and Cold Fusion will work, but seeing that Cold Fusion needs lisencing fees, I think I will go with JSP (or PHP).

They told me to do the following:
Download and install MySQL on my server--which I did, I now have MySQL installed and I have a username and Password.
Also they said to install the MySQL Drviers on my computer so I can export an Access 2000 database to the MySQL server.

I downloaded the drivers, but when I try to setup the MySQL Driver it asks me for the following info:

1. Windows DNS Name: (I think I can put anything here)
2. Server: (I know this would me my server name)
3. MySQL Database name: (This part I don't understand, I havn't uploaded any databases yet, so what goes here? If this will be the same connection for a number of databases, how can it be asking me for the name of one.)
4. User Name: (I assume the username I setup for MySQL)
5. Password: ( I assume the password for that username)
6. Port: 3306

I know this isn't eactly Ultradev, but I need this to get my databases into MySQL format. If anybody knows how this MySQL works, it would help, How do I convert my Access databases into MySQL? Also, If anyone can tell me what to put for the 'MySQL Database Name' question.

Help is appreciated,
Sorry, I can't help you here, I have no experience with MySQL personally... Good luck anyway!
allow thyself to be the spark that lights the fire
haslo@haslo.ch - www.haslo.ch​
Hi Gareth,
here are 2 books I've found very helpful in negotiating
the DataBase maze:

<<PHP4 Fast & Easy Web Development>> includes PHP4, MySQL, and
Apache server on a CD

<<Foundation Dreamweaver UltraDev4>>

...you can get both from Amazon with free shipping.
Best regards,
Cal McGaugh :)
How do i create a custom login page in ultradev and how and what do i put in the access mdb also hos do i connect the mdb to my page ???????
1st you should start a new thread for this kind of question, your post is kind of hidden here at the bottom :)

2nd You are asking a huge multi part question so I will give you an overview.

To create a login page:
1) you need a form so users can enter their info.
2) You need something to process the data the users enter
3) You need a database to check the info against
4) You need a page to send the verified users to.

For the form you create a page with a form and input boxes for User ID and Password (or whaterver your authernication scheme is). When a user click the submit button the info is passed to a page specified in the action attribute of the form tag. This page must have some code to deal with the info, query the database, verify the information exists in the databse and has the correct password etc. This code is what connects to the MS Access db (or any database you choose). THe code to deal with the info and connect to the database can be written in many different languages (Java, JavaScript, VBScript, VB, Perl, PHP, etc.). Dreamweaver will place in code for you if your web site is hosted on a server that supports JSP, ColdFusion, or ASP. (Check with hosting company). To test your pages you have to have a web server running on your test environment (your local machine).

This topic goes on an on so I suggest reading ASP for Dummies (nothing against you) and the DW UltraDev manual. It is eaiser to get (and give) answers when questions are more specific.

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