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UDP connection

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Technical User
Jun 21, 2003
Hey guys, I wonder if you could help me in a situation, I would be gratefull to you if you could.
I want to build a chat program using the UDP broadcasting or the IP multicasting but I couldn't find any reference for this issue. What components should I use for this job? I tried TServerSocket and TClient Socket and all managed to do was a server-client application, which is quite innapropiate for what I wanna do.

Another issue I'm dealing with is how to send/receive a stream via a Client or a Server Socket.

So, if you have any suggestion please let me know, I would be gratefull.
Based on what kind of information you want to send, you could use the following methods of the TServerSocket and TClientSocket:

int SendText(AnsiString Text);
int SendBuf(void *Buf, int Count);
bool SendStream(Classes::TStream* AStream);

AnsiString ReceiveText(void);
int ReceiveBuf(void *Buf, int Count);

To use these,
MyServerSocket->Socket->SendText("Hello World");

void __fastcall TForm1::MyClientSocketRead(TObject *Sender,
TCustomWinSocket *Socket)
GlobalAnsiString = MyClientSocket->Socket->ReadText();

Now, the question becomes "Do you want it to be secure communication?" If so, the easiest way without changing the scheme implemented above is write a simple algorithm to encode the text. You are limited to simple encryption that way. To use serious encryption, change the above to write from a buffer, one that's been encrypted with a good algorithm. Then read a buffer back in and decode it.

Thanks a lot for your tip, but I still have some vaguness. For example, if I want to send/read a text I use SendText/Receive text, if I want to send/read a buffer, I use SendBuf/ReceiveBuf methods according to you. But if I want to receive a stream how should I do this? I use SendStream method to send it, but what method do I use to receive it from the socket, 'cause I don't have a ReceiveStream method to do this?
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