Hello. We have setup UCA Mobile for iPAD.
(Server version 6.0 and Client Version 5.1.) We are connecting via a virtual MBG 8.0 to MCD 3300 5.0 SP2 with NuPoint 6.0 on MAS 5.0.
Everything is working great with the exception of voicemail retrieval. Here is what I am getting
While selecting the message to play. The result is...unable to play voicemail
When selecting download or E-mail, the result is..unable to download from audio URL
Any thoughts? Appreciate any input! Thank you
(Server version 6.0 and Client Version 5.1.) We are connecting via a virtual MBG 8.0 to MCD 3300 5.0 SP2 with NuPoint 6.0 on MAS 5.0.
Everything is working great with the exception of voicemail retrieval. Here is what I am getting
While selecting the message to play. The result is...unable to play voicemail
When selecting download or E-mail, the result is..unable to download from audio URL
Any thoughts? Appreciate any input! Thank you