I originally posted this in the ColdFusion forum, but since its more of a SQL-related question - thought I'd post here.
I have a query result set that was created with several joins. Here’s the abbreviated version:
There’s one column in the query above (PayGroupName) that has some null values that I need. Now, I have another Query “DefaultPayGroup” that can give me the values I need.
What’s the best way for me to approach this problem? Should I go back and update my CustData query with a query of a query? That sounds inefficient, or should I try yet another join?
Any advice you can provide is greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life.
I have a query result set that was created with several joins. Here’s the abbreviated version:
<cfquery name="CustData" datasource="#request.dsn#">
….field list values here
FROM Customer pc
left join area a on pc.area = a.areaid
LEFT JOIN layout l ON pc.DefaultInvoiceLayID = l.LayID
LEFT JOIN users u ON pc.salesrep = u.userid
LEFT JOIN paygroups ON pc.paygroup = paygroups.paygroupid
<cfif IncludeContactsYN>
LEFT JOIN contacts_Cust cc ON pc.recordid = cc.CustID
pc.area IN (#area#)
<cfif status neq "">
<cfset QStatList = "">
<!--- Make form list single quoted --->
<cfloop index="StatDex" list="#status#">
<cfset QStatList = listappend(QStatList, "'#StatDex#'")>
and status in (#preservesinglequotes(QStatList)#)
<cfif Custtype neq "">
and Custtype = '#Custtype#'
<cfif ShowNoBillDateOnly_YN is "yes">
and IsDate(pc.LastBillDate) = 0
<cfif sort eq "name">
<cfelseif sort eq "area">
r.areaname, pc.Custname
<cfelseif sort eq "state">
pc.state,, pc.Custname
There’s one column in the query above (PayGroupName) that has some null values that I need. Now, I have another Query “DefaultPayGroup” that can give me the values I need.
<cfquery name="DefaultPaygroup" datasource="#request.dsn#">
dbo.paygroups.paygroupid, dbo.paygroups_cust.CustPaygroupID, dbo.paygroups_cust.CustID,
dbo.paygroups_cust.IsDefaultYN, dbo.paygroups_cust.EffectiveDateStart, dbo.paygroups_cust.EffectiveDateEnd,
dbo.paygroups_cust.EffectiveNote, dbo.paygroups_cust.DTC,
dbo.paygroups_cust.DTM, dbo.paygroups_cust.UserC, dbo.paygroups_cust.UserM, dbo.paygroups_cust.isCustDefaultYN,
dbo.paygroups_cust.ordertypeID, 1 AS sortby
dbo.paygroups_cust RIGHT OUTER JOIN
dbo.paygroups ON dbo.paygroups_cust.PaygroupID = dbo.paygroups.paygroupid
(dbo.paygroups_cust.CustID = #CustID#)
and (dbo.paygroups_cust.isCustDefaultYN = 'yes')
What’s the best way for me to approach this problem? Should I go back and update my CustData query with a query of a query? That sounds inefficient, or should I try yet another join?
Any advice you can provide is greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life.