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Two NICS on my computer which one will it use first?

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Sep 24, 2001
I have 2 NICS on my computer, one of them is a wireless 10mb and the other one is a 100mb card connected with cables.
The 10mb IP is and the 100mb IP is
They are both connected to the same wireless router.
Which NIC will be used to transfer data first?

The computer is used for dental research on the internet and needs to be moved around a lot in the office.
But from time to time I need to transfer huge amounts of data by connecting the 100mb cable on the NIC.
And when the computer is moved I just use the 10MB for internet access.
So When both NICS are connected at the same time Which one is used? The 10mb , 100mb or both?
If only 10mb is used how can I have the computer use the 100mb without disabling the 10mb.

Thanks, Rob
You can try right clicking on my computer and choosing properties and the the device manager tab. Then find the nick card you want to disable while the other is in use and put a check in the "disable in this hardware profile". then try it out. If it works then you can just disable which ever one you don't want accessible at the time.

Technically it should work, but every computer is set up different and may respond differently than another. it is worth a try, no problems should occur from this. If it doesn't work then just go back and take the check mark out and you should be back to normal. Hope this helps.
I agree that this would be the simplest method. Create 2 hardware profiles.
Does that work under windows 98?

Thanks , Rob
...Play with it, while both are connected, start transfering a huge file, and disconnect the wireless. If the transmittion continues, then you are using the wired. Try the same with the wired, unhook it, if the transfer contiunues, you are using wireless. If it works for both, hey, evne better (as long as there isn't any corruption). Mike Wills
RPG Programmer (but learning Java)

"I am bad at math because God forgot to include math.h into my program!"
Yes, it works under Windows 98. But I couldn't say for sure it would work the same with your computer setup, Because I don't know how it is setup. But if you have Windows 98 or 98 SE and a typical installation with no conflicts, then you shouldn't have any problems.

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