Hi folks I wonder if anyone can help.
I work in a college and am trying to ensure that we are trading legally with regards to software licensing. I need to find out what software we have installed and what we actually have licences for. To that end I have compiled two lists. One list contains a note of all the software currently on the machines in the following format …
Software Name Qty
Office 97 20
Windows 95 15
(It’s much more detailed than this as I have fields for location & which department owns the machine etc. But this is the summary I need to extract.)
I got this list by physically visiting each PC in the college reformatting the PC and then installing only that software needed for that PC to run. A note of what software was installed was then taken. This is a list I have called SW_Installed.
The second list is one with a similar format to the above (software Name & Qty) but this time it is a list of software we physically have licences for. In other words we have the (hard copy) printed licence. I have called this Actual_Licences_held.
In an ideal world both these lists will be equal and after this project it should be but for the moment it isn’t. So, It is possible for both lists to have software that is not in the other list. For example we may have a licence to use Photoshop but it may not be physically installed on any of the machines. Conversely we may have software installed that we don’t have a licence for.
What I am aiming for is one list that would hold ALL the software noted on both lists with a quantity of both actual against the licences we hold. This would show a report that tells us how many licences we need to buy to keep us legal. Or how many licences we have extra.
Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4
Office 97 20 15 +5
Works 15 20 -5
Col1 = Software Name
Col2 = QtySW_Installed
Col3 = QtyActual_Licences_Held
Col4 = Discrepancy
Now I am not looking for a full solution (although I wont turn one away
) but if I could get some pointers I would be grateful. Although I have posted this in the Access Forum as that is the program i will use I also have access to Crystal Reports.
I work in a college and am trying to ensure that we are trading legally with regards to software licensing. I need to find out what software we have installed and what we actually have licences for. To that end I have compiled two lists. One list contains a note of all the software currently on the machines in the following format …
Software Name Qty
Office 97 20
Windows 95 15
(It’s much more detailed than this as I have fields for location & which department owns the machine etc. But this is the summary I need to extract.)
I got this list by physically visiting each PC in the college reformatting the PC and then installing only that software needed for that PC to run. A note of what software was installed was then taken. This is a list I have called SW_Installed.
The second list is one with a similar format to the above (software Name & Qty) but this time it is a list of software we physically have licences for. In other words we have the (hard copy) printed licence. I have called this Actual_Licences_held.
In an ideal world both these lists will be equal and after this project it should be but for the moment it isn’t. So, It is possible for both lists to have software that is not in the other list. For example we may have a licence to use Photoshop but it may not be physically installed on any of the machines. Conversely we may have software installed that we don’t have a licence for.
What I am aiming for is one list that would hold ALL the software noted on both lists with a quantity of both actual against the licences we hold. This would show a report that tells us how many licences we need to buy to keep us legal. Or how many licences we have extra.
Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4
Office 97 20 15 +5
Works 15 20 -5
Col1 = Software Name
Col2 = QtySW_Installed
Col3 = QtyActual_Licences_Held
Col4 = Discrepancy
Now I am not looking for a full solution (although I wont turn one away