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two columns but only need to show one query help

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Technical User
Apr 16, 2008
I’m trying to create a sports website to show sports results namely aussie rules football. I want to write a stored procedure to create the results for a separate team results against its opponents for the season. Essentially i have 2 tables
Game: game_id, date, home, away
Score: game_id, team_id, quater, goals, behinds
In the opposition column, I want it to show the opposition team which could be either the home or away team instead of having a home and away column. If its the opposition team’s home game i want to add a @ symbol in front of that result.
I also want the score to start with the team score first and then the oppositions score.

At the end of the day i’d like it to look like

25/4/08 Fremantle 101-90 11
2/5/08 @Sydney 88-77 11

I got no idea how to go about it and thought you guys could help.
Could you post some simple data and desired result?

Borislav Borissov
VFP9 SP2, SQL Server 2000/2005.
Microsoft MVP VFP
Well i’ve got the two tables data below. The two tables combined would give the result from my previous post. As you can see there is a home and away column but say i’m making the results page for fremantle i want to see the opposition column from my statement produce Richmond, @Sydney, Brisbane, @Geelong. Not too sure how to not show fremantle and just the opposition team and how to add a @ symbol if it was a away team.
Game_id date home Away
1 1/1/08 Fremantle Richmond
2 7/1/08 Sydney Fremantle
3 14/1/08 Fremantle Brisbane
4 21/1/08 Geelong Fremantle

Game_id Team_id quarter goals Behinds
1 Fremantle 1 3 3
1 Fremantle 2 3 1
1 Fremantle 3 2 2
1 Fremantle 4 2 4
1 Richmond 1 5 7
1 Richmond 2 5 4
1 Richmond 3 4 2
1 Richmond 4 6 4
Try this....

[COLOR=blue]Declare[/color] @TeamName [COLOR=blue]VarChar[/color](20)
[COLOR=blue]Set[/color] @TeamName = [COLOR=red]'Fremantle'[/color]

[COLOR=blue]Select[/color] Score.Game_ID, 
       [COLOR=blue]Case[/color] [COLOR=blue]When[/color] Game.Home = @TeamName [COLOR=blue]Then[/color] Game.Away [COLOR=blue]Else[/color] [COLOR=red]'@'[/color] + Game.Home [COLOR=blue]End[/color] [COLOR=blue]As[/color] Opposition,
       [COLOR=#FF00FF]Convert[/color]([COLOR=blue]VarChar[/color](20), Sum([COLOR=blue]Case[/color] [COLOR=blue]When[/color] Team_ID = [COLOR=blue]Case[/color] [COLOR=blue]When[/color] Game.Home = @TeamName [COLOR=blue]Then[/color] Game.Home [COLOR=blue]Else[/color] Game.Away [COLOR=blue]End[/color] [COLOR=blue]Then[/color] Goals [COLOR=blue]Else[/color] 0 [COLOR=blue]End[/color]))
       + [COLOR=red]'-'[/color] + [COLOR=#FF00FF]Convert[/color]([COLOR=blue]VarChar[/color](20), Sum([COLOR=blue]Case[/color] [COLOR=blue]When[/color] Team_ID = [COLOR=blue]Case[/color] [COLOR=blue]When[/color] Game.Home = @TeamName [COLOR=blue]Then[/color] Game.Away [COLOR=blue]Else[/color] Game.Home [COLOR=blue]End[/color] [COLOR=blue]Then[/color] Goals [COLOR=blue]Else[/color] 0 [COLOR=blue]End[/color])) [COLOR=blue]As[/color] Result,
       [COLOR=#FF00FF]Abs[/color](Sum([COLOR=blue]Case[/color] [COLOR=blue]When[/color] Team_ID = [COLOR=blue]Case[/color] [COLOR=blue]When[/color] Game.Home = @TeamName [COLOR=blue]Then[/color] Game.Home [COLOR=blue]Else[/color] Game.Away [COLOR=blue]End[/color] [COLOR=blue]Then[/color] Goals [COLOR=blue]Else[/color] 0 [COLOR=blue]End[/color])-
       Sum([COLOR=blue]Case[/color] [COLOR=blue]When[/color] Team_ID = [COLOR=blue]Case[/color] [COLOR=blue]When[/color] Game.Home = @TeamName [COLOR=blue]Then[/color] Game.Away [COLOR=blue]Else[/color] Game.Home [COLOR=blue]End[/color] [COLOR=blue]Then[/color] Goals [COLOR=blue]Else[/color] 0 [COLOR=blue]End[/color])) [COLOR=blue]As[/color] Margin
[COLOR=blue]From[/color]   Score
       [COLOR=blue]Inner[/color] [COLOR=blue]Join[/color] Game
         [COLOR=blue]On[/color] Score.Game_ID = Game.Game_ID
[COLOR=blue]Group[/color] [COLOR=blue]By[/color] Score.Game_ID, Game.Date,Game.Home, Game.Away

If this works for you, and you would like me to explain any part of it, just let me know.


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