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Jul 7, 1999
Just goes to show you, You can't be to careful. My own sister sent me a message. I checked by phone. Then opened the mail, no disk wipe out but a purple monkey that pops up from time to time. (Music, mistro,) Enter BONZI, This one is real !! Best guess is don't open anything with BONZI on the subject line. Just delete and run.
Can you give us a particulars. Is it a macro virus, worm, VBS, etc. Can you tell what exactly it has altered on your system, etc.
James P. Cottingham
It is not a virus, it is an app called bonzaibuddy (.com I think) - we had some people who were crazy about this site a few months ago.

You can remove the little chap without too much difficulty even though it tries to spread itself like a virus.
OK . . . I did a little checking up on this BonziBuddy . . . I even installed it (on one of my test boxes) to see what it was. Essentially, it is an MSAgent program (similar to the assistant that MS Office uses . . . personally, I opened up MS Word hoping to see monkey boy and Einstein duke it out . . . no such luck :-( ) that interacts with the user for Web Browsing. IT IS NOT A VIRUS . . . although he does become incredibly annoying after the first 2 minutes.
As for him spreading like a virus, he does ask you if he can send emails to others and he will ask if he can make his webpage your homepage, but you have to let him. He will not go off and do it without the user's permission.

For those who would like to see it, here is the URL . . .

If you go there, the first thing that will happen is a dialog box will appear warning you that the web sites wants to download a file to you. This is not a virus . . . this same dialog box will appear for downloading OCXs from an untrusted source. The software publisher is listed (and verified by Verisign Commercial Software Publishers) as BONZI Software. You (the user) must accept the download at that time, or the program will not be installed.
As for removing it, there are two options (and no, you don't need an AV program to remove it). Simply click on the start button and go to programs.From there, find BonziBUDDY and select uninstall (there are two different programs, so you will have to uninstall both). Or, there is another option . . . you can go the the control panel and select Add/Remove programs and find BonziBUDDY there. From there, simply select the application and remove it.
On a final note to Tusconpapa (nothing personal though :)) . . . although we really do appreciate you warning us of potential viruses lurking out in the wild, please take a brief moment and examine what you think is a virus before you post it as one. A lot of virus emails are really hoaxes (as in your previous thread) and not all programs like BonziBUDDY are viruses . . . even though they can seem it at times.

- Jeff Marler
(please note, that the page is under construction)
I've added the hoax sites to the top of the virus FAQ section to make it even easier to check them out. Ed Fair

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Sorry, being a bit quick there.

If I expanded what I said I would end up saying what Jeff said. Not a virus but would like to get bonzi on your mates computers, can be removed quite easily.

The only bit I disagree on is the annoyance time - I think 2 minutes is a bit long...

I got fed up with it in under a minute.
Just a quick note to Jmarler (nothing personal though )
My post does not say VIRUS !! Although many in this office
use the term BONZI connected with Cancer, Plague,and Purple Fecal ,and these are just some of the terms that I can put into print, We are thankful for you professional and effective method of erasing this shankorid from our work place.
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