I get L2001. "Unresolved external symbol _mainCRTStartup".
and my program won't link even though I get no errors or warning from the compile.
the program :
mysegment para 'DATA
message BYTE 'programming in assembly is fast'
mydata ends
mycode para "code'
mov bx,00h
mov dx,00H
mov ah,01H
int 17H
again: mov al,messa[[bx] cmp al,'t'
je thas_all
mov ah,00H
int 17H
inc bx
jmp again
thas_all: Mov ax,ax
prntchar endp
mycode endp
if int 17H is wrong to print a character to the , can you tell me another way to write a char to the printer? I know how to write to the screen ok. but I would like to write to the printer insread.
and my program won't link even though I get no errors or warning from the compile.
the program :
mysegment para 'DATA
message BYTE 'programming in assembly is fast'
mydata ends
mycode para "code'
mov bx,00h
mov dx,00H
mov ah,01H
int 17H
again: mov al,messa[[bx] cmp al,'t'
je thas_all
mov ah,00H
int 17H
inc bx
jmp again
thas_all: Mov ax,ax
prntchar endp
mycode endp
if int 17H is wrong to print a character to the , can you tell me another way to write a char to the printer? I know how to write to the screen ok. but I would like to write to the printer insread.