Hi everybody -
I'm working on populating a form in an unbound database for keeping tack of municipal vehicle stickers. I have successfully written a way to search vehicle owners (via a form) and am able to selectg the correct record and have it populate an "edit owner" form with all the necessary data. I am now trying to do the exact same thing with the vehicle records themselves, but to no avail. I just cant figure out what I'm not doing right. Any advice that can be offered would be most appreciated.
As I said, the "vehicle search" form works fine, and in cases where the search returns more than one record, they populate a list box (called "SearchResults"). The bound (and not visible) column in SearchResults is "VehID", the primary key of "tblVehicles", which is the table where all the vehicle data is held. Selecting a record in this list box and clicking the proper button will run this code:
The underlying code for the stored procedure "procVehicleSelect" is this:
"VehID" is indeed a varchar(9) field, though the parameters getting passed are not always 9 characters in length. All of the fields I'm trying to select from tblVehicles do exist there.
As a runtime scenario, I am doing a vehicle search and selecting a record with VehID of "2P1112". When trying to open the edit vehicle form, the error I keep on getting is:
Line1: Incorrect syntax near 'P1112'.
The line it highlights in the code debugger is the "rst.Open Source...." line from the VBA code segment. In looking this over, the entire VehID "2P1112" is indeed getting passed to procVehicleSelect. Why it parses this string after the first character is beyond me.
If I remove the "=NULL" part from the parameter declaration of procVehicleSelect, and try to run it, it will prompt me for a value for @VehicleID. If I enter "2P1112", it works just fine.
If anybody has any ideas as to why this isnt working, or another way I can populate this form, it would be very much appreciated!
I'm working on populating a form in an unbound database for keeping tack of municipal vehicle stickers. I have successfully written a way to search vehicle owners (via a form) and am able to selectg the correct record and have it populate an "edit owner" form with all the necessary data. I am now trying to do the exact same thing with the vehicle records themselves, but to no avail. I just cant figure out what I'm not doing right. Any advice that can be offered would be most appreciated.
As I said, the "vehicle search" form works fine, and in cases where the search returns more than one record, they populate a list box (called "SearchResults"). The bound (and not visible) column in SearchResults is "VehID", the primary key of "tblVehicles", which is the table where all the vehicle data is held. Selecting a record in this list box and clicking the proper button will run this code:
If IsNothing(Me.SearchResults) Then
MsgBox "You haven't selected a record!", vbExclamation, getProgName()
Exit Sub
End If
' Open Edit vehicle Dialog
Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
Dim fld As ADODB.Field
Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
rst.CursorLocation = adUseClient
rst.Open Source:="EXEC procVehicleSelect " & Me.SearchResults, ActiveConnection:=CurrentProject.Connection
If rst.EOF Then
MsgBox "Record cannot be found.", vbCritical, getProgName()
Exit Sub
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmVehicleEdit"
For Each fld In rst.Fields
Forms!frmVehicleEdit!(fld.Name).Value = fld.Value
End If
DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name
The underlying code for the stored procedure "procVehicleSelect" is this:
Alter PROCEDURE procVehicleSelect
@VehicleID varchar(9) = NULL
SELECT VehID, OwnID, ConcurrencyID, StickerYear, StickerClass, StickerNumber, Price, Penalty,
CarYear, CarMake, CarModel, CarColor, LicPlate, LicPlateSt, Notes as TheNotes, AddBy, AddDate,
ModBy, ModDate
From tblVehicles
Where VehID = @VehicleID
"VehID" is indeed a varchar(9) field, though the parameters getting passed are not always 9 characters in length. All of the fields I'm trying to select from tblVehicles do exist there.
As a runtime scenario, I am doing a vehicle search and selecting a record with VehID of "2P1112". When trying to open the edit vehicle form, the error I keep on getting is:
Line1: Incorrect syntax near 'P1112'.
The line it highlights in the code debugger is the "rst.Open Source...." line from the VBA code segment. In looking this over, the entire VehID "2P1112" is indeed getting passed to procVehicleSelect. Why it parses this string after the first character is beyond me.
If I remove the "=NULL" part from the parameter declaration of procVehicleSelect, and try to run it, it will prompt me for a value for @VehicleID. If I enter "2P1112", it works just fine.
If anybody has any ideas as to why this isnt working, or another way I can populate this form, it would be very much appreciated!