- Mar 29, 2006
- 106
I’ m trying to use an Insert script to export data from a .csv file to a database table, but I receive errors in Query Analyzer saying that the specified column names of .csv file aren’ t valid, but the column names are correct.. This is the script:
Which can be the problem?
Thank you
I’ m trying to use an Insert script to export data from a .csv file to a database table, but I receive errors in Query Analyzer saying that the specified column names of .csv file aren’ t valid, but the column names are correct.. This is the script:
Use market
INSERT INTO [SystemPerformance] (
,[Avg. Disk Queue Length]
,[Avg. Disk sec/Transfer]
,[Disk Time]
,[Network Bytes Received/sec]
,[Network Bytes Sent/sec]
,[Network Bytes Total/sec]
,[Server Bytes Received/sec]
,[Server Bytes Transmitted/sec]
,[Server Bytes Total/sec]
[(PDH-CSV 4#0) (Pacific Standard Time)(480)]
,cast([\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time] as float)
,cast([\System\Processor Queue Length] as float)
,cast([\Memory\Available Mbytes] as float)
,cast([\Memory\Pages/sec#] as float)
,cast([\PhysicalDisk(_Total)\Avg# Disk Queue Length] as float)
,cast([\PhysicalDisk(_Total)\Avg# Disk sec/Transfer] as float)
,cast([\Physical Disk(_Total)\% Disk Time] as float)
,cast([\Network Interface(Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet Driver)\Bytes Received/sec #] as float)
,cast([\Network Interface(Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet Driver)\Bytes Sent/sec#] as float)
,cast([\Network Interface(Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet Driver)\Bytes Total/sec#] as float)
,cast([\Server\Bytes Received/sec#] as float)
,cast([\Server\Bytes Transmitted/sec#] as float)
,cast([\Server\Bytes Total/sec#] as float)
FROM OpenDataSource( 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',
-- csv file on a local drive
'Data Source=C:\PerfLogs;Extended properties=Text')...System_000002#csv
Which can be the problem?
Thank you