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trying to add new menu to perl swish-e search

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Technical User
Dec 13, 2005
Hello, hope someone can help me.

I have a Perl script that sits in cgi-bin and is called from a Search page that uses Swish-e.
I am simply trying to add our new menu to replace the old and it kills the script every time.

This is the script with the old menu. Can someone show me what to avoid when placing the new menu? I really appreciate any help and I appologize for the length of the script....

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
use strict;

## Scott Wiersdorf
## Created: Tue Jul 3 15:54:52 MDT 2001
## $Id: search.pl.sample,v 1.1 2001/07/06 17:15:12 scottw Exp $

## simple swish-e search form
## See < for alternatives
## modifications to this file should be made in the 'print_header'
## and 'print_footer' subroutines at the bottom of this file (search
## for 'MODIFY ME')
## This program assumes the swish-e index will be located in
## /usr/local/swish-e/index/ (for security reasons)
## printing to STDERR will usually log to Apache's error_log if this
## script is called as a CGI from Apache.

## CGI.pm helps us be more secure because it auto-escapes badness
use CGI qw:)standard);

## defaults
use constant DEF_TERM => '';
use constant DEF_RESULTS => 50;
use constant DEF_INDEX => 'index.swish';

## create CGI query object
my $q = new CGI;
my %query = ();

## print the header first so the visitor can see something

## get search term(s)
$query{'term'} = $q->param('query');
if( $query{'term'} ) {
$query{'term'} =~ s/[|`&*()<>]//g; ## remove garbage
$query{'term'} = DEF_TERM unless $query{'term'};

## get number of results
$query{'results'} = $q->param('results') || DEF_RESULTS;
if( $query{'results'} ) {
$query{'results'} =~ s/\D//g;
$query{'results'} = DEF_RESULTS unless $query{'results'};

## get the index name
$query{'index'} = $q->param('index') || DEF_INDEX;
$query{'index'} =~ s![~/]!!g; ## remove tildes and slashes
while( $query{'index'} =~ s!\.\.!!g ) { }; ## remove double dots
$query{'index'} = DEF_INDEX unless $query{'index'};

## set paths of program and index
my $swish_dir = '/usr/local/swish-e';
my $swish_prog = "$swish_dir/bin/swish-e";
my $swish_indx = "$swish_dir/$query{'index'}";

## check index
unless( -f $swish_indx ) {
print STDERR "[Swish-e] No index or '$swish_indx' does not exist!\n";
error( "This search has no index. Please notify the site administrator." );

## setup swish-e command
my $cmd = "$swish_prog -w " . $query{'term'} . " -m " . $query{'results'} .
" -f $swish_indx";

## try to open a pipe to swish-e
unless( open( SWISH, "$cmd |" ) ) {
print STDERR "[Swish-e] Couldn't open '$cmd': $!\n";
error( "Could not open search engine! Please notify the site administrator." );

## fetch results from pipe. Swish-e results look like this (by default):
## relevancy document title
## path to document document size
## 1000 ./test_phrase.html "Document Title" 176

my $line;
while( chomp($line = <SWISH>) ) {
next unless $line;

## skip swish-e comments
next if $line =~ /^#/;

## check for errors
if( $line =~ /^err:\s*(.+)$/i ) {
print STDERR "[Swish-e] Error: $line\n";
my $error = $1;
$error = "An undefined error occured. Please notify the site administrator."
unless $error;
close SWISH;
error( $error );

## last result
last if $line eq '.';

## skip non-results lines
next unless $line =~ /^\d/;

## -- you've got results -- ##
my( $relevancy, $doc_path, $title, $size );
unless( ( $relevancy, $doc_path, $title, $size ) =
$line =~ /^(\d+) (.+?) "(.+)" (\d+)$/ ) {

## clean up document path
$doc_path =~ s!^\.+/!!;

## debugging: anything printed to STDERR shows up in the web
## server error_log (look for it there)
# print STDERR "line = $line\n";

print <<_RESULT_;
<strong><a href="$doc_path">$title</a></strong><br>



## close pipe
close SWISH;


## all done

## print the error
sub error {
my $msg = shift;

print <<_ERROR_;



sub print_header {
print CGI::header;

print <<_HTML_;
<title>Search Results</title>
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<TABLE width="780" height="90%" border="0" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">

<TD><IMG SRC="../images/spacer.gif" alt="" border="0" width="15"></TD>
<TD width="750"><div align=left><BR>
<FONT size="5"><BR><B>Search Results!</B></FONT><BR><BR>


return 1;

sub print_footer {
print <<_HTML_;


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return 1;
here is the correct copy

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
use strict;

## Scott Wiersdorf
## Created: Tue Jul 3 15:54:52 MDT 2001
## $Id: search.pl.sample,v 1.1 2001/07/06 17:15:12 scottw Exp $

## simple swish-e search form
## See < for alternatives
## modifications to this file should be made in the 'print_header'
## and 'print_footer' subroutines at the bottom of this file (search
## for 'MODIFY ME')
## This program assumes the swish-e index will be located in
## /usr/local/swish-e/index/ (for security reasons)
## printing to STDERR will usually log to Apache's error_log if this
## script is called as a CGI from Apache.

## CGI.pm helps us be more secure because it auto-escapes badness
use CGI qw:)standard);

## defaults
use constant DEF_TERM => '';
use constant DEF_RESULTS => 50;
use constant DEF_INDEX => 'index.swish';

## create CGI query object
my $q = new CGI;
my %query = ();

## print the header first so the visitor can see something

## get search term(s)
$query{'term'} = $q->param('query');
if( $query{'term'} ) {
$query{'term'} =~ s/[|`&*()<>]//g; ## remove garbage
$query{'term'} = DEF_TERM unless $query{'term'};

## get number of results
$query{'results'} = $q->param('results') || DEF_RESULTS;
if( $query{'results'} ) {
$query{'results'} =~ s/\D//g;
$query{'results'} = DEF_RESULTS unless $query{'results'};

## get the index name
$query{'index'} = $q->param('index') || DEF_INDEX;
$query{'index'} =~ s![~/]!!g; ## remove tildes and slashes
while( $query{'index'} =~ s!\.\.!!g ) { }; ## remove double dots
$query{'index'} = DEF_INDEX unless $query{'index'};

## set paths of program and index
my $swish_dir = '/usr/local';
my $swish_dir2 = '/usr/local/swish-e';
# my $swish_prog = '/usr/local/bin/swish-e';
my $swish_prog = "$swish_dir/bin/swish-e";
# my $swish_indx = '/usr/local/swish-2.0.5/$query{'index'}';
my $swish_indx = "$swish_dir2/$query{'index'}";

## check index
unless( -f $swish_indx ) {
print STDERR "[Swish-e] No index or '$swish_indx' does not exist!\n";
error( "Search Feature is not working yet. We apologize for the problem and are working on correcting it." );

## setup swish-e command
my $cmd = "$swish_prog -w " . $query{'term'} . " -m " . $query{'results'} .
" -f $swish_indx";

## try to open a pipe to swish-e
unless( open( SWISH, "$cmd |" ) ) {
print STDERR "[Swish-e] Couldn't open '$cmd': $!\n";
error( "Could not open search engine! Please notify the site administrator." );

## fetch results from pipe. Swish-e results look like this (by default):
## relevancy document title
## path to document document size
## 1000 ./test_phrase.html "Document Title" 176

my $line;
while( chomp($line = <SWISH>) ) {
next unless $line;

## skip swish-e comments
next if $line =~ /^#/;

## check for errors
if( $line =~ /^err:\s*(.+)$/i ) {
print STDERR "[Swish-e] Error: $line\n";
my $error = $1;
$error = "An undefined error occured. Please notify the site administrator."
unless $error;
close SWISH;
error( $error );

## last result
last if $line eq '.';

## skip non-results lines
next unless $line =~ /^\d/;

## -- you've got results -- ##
my( $relevancy, $doc_path, $title, $size );
unless( ( $relevancy, $doc_path, $title, $size ) =
$line =~ /^(\d+) (.+?) "(.+)" (\d+)$/ ) {

## clean up document path
$doc_path =~ s!^\.+/!!;

## debugging: anything printed to STDERR shows up in the web
## server error_log (look for it there)
# print STDERR "line = $line\n";

print <<_RESULT_;
<strong><a href="$doc_path">$title</a></strong><br>



## close pipe
close SWISH;


## all done

## print the error
sub error {
my $msg = shift;

print <<_ERROR_;



sub print_header {
print CGI::header;

print <<_HTML_;
<title>Search Results</title>
<link href="../default.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<LINK REL=stylesheet HREF="../atto.css" TYPE="text/css">

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return 1;

sub print_footer {
print <<_HTML_;


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<a class="menuItem" href="../iassoc.html">Industry Associations</a></layer></td></tr></table>
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<div id="downloadsMenu" onmouseover="show('downloadsMenu')"; onmouseout="hide('downloadsMenu')"; class="menu"
style="position:absolute; left:678px; top:60px; z-index:2; visibility:hidden;"><table border="0"><tr><td><layer
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return 1;
use CGI qw(:standard);
under this line add
 use CGI::Carp qw /fatalsToBrowser/;

That should catch most errors ;-)

Spend an hour a week on CPAN, helps cure all known programming ailments ;-)
Thanks Paul;
I appreciate your reply. Not getting an error message unless I try to add our new menu. The CSS and Javascript files don't work. I am trying to ad the menu in but it will not open and fly out. This is the page with the old menu:
OK, what errors are you getting when you add in the new menu?

Spend an hour a week on CPAN, helps cure all known programming ailments ;-)
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