I had been using Spybot (v. 1.1) for a while, and suddenly it would lock up my pc whenever I tried to update, so I only used Adaware (I used both before, switched off). Anyway, when I tried to remove it through control panel, it wouldn't (the program would just open instead). Weird...So, I downloaded ver. 1.2. Same problem-no way to update. Now I had two in control panel. The one that SAID vers.1.2 I was able to remove. But, it seems that's what opens anyway when I open it. I don't know if that makes's late.
I guess if anyone can help me get rid of it altogether, and then I'll start fresh. Install it clean. Just wondering if anyone has experienced this. I have no idea what happened..,
I guess if anyone can help me get rid of it altogether, and then I'll start fresh. Install it clean. Just wondering if anyone has experienced this. I have no idea what happened..,