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Trouble with radiobuttons

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Apr 26, 2005
I am working on updating a web pledge form that's written in asp.net and some jscript. I am having some problems trying to use radio buttons. Here's the jist of what I'm trying to do:

Radio Button Group (no default selected)
• Pledge
• NoPledge

If Radio Button Group = null (no selection is made)
Required Field Validator
“Please select a radiobutton”

Onclick “Pledge” radio button
Display a dropdownlist of gifts

If dropdownlist = “” (no selection is made)
Required Field Validator
“Please select a gift”

Onclick “NoPledge” radio button
Hide dropdownlist of gifts

Is it possible to get radio buttons to behave like this? I am new to VB.net and working very hard to meet a deadline.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Just use a radio button list and then on the SelectedIndexChange (remember to set the AutoPostBack to True) use something like:
        If RadioButtonList1.Items(0).Selected = True Then
            DropDownList1.Enabled = True
            DropDownList1.Enabled = False
        End If


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Use the AutoPostBack property = True, then put code in then SelectedIndexChange sub...

"...we both know I'm training to become a cagefighter...see what happens if you try 'n hit me..."
Here's what I tried:

<asp:RadioButtonList id="grpRadPrems" runat="server" Width="288px" AutoPostBack="True">
<asp:ListItem Value="radNoPrem">No Gift<asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Value="radYesPrem">Gift<asp:ListItem>

Private Sub grpRadPrems_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles grpRadPrems.SelectedIndexChanged

If grpRadPrems.Items(0).Selected = True Then
cboPremium.Enabled = True
cboPremium.Enabled = False

End If
End Sub

The page refreshes (which I was just looking for the Drop DownList to appear) and nothing happens. Any ideas of what I'm doing wrong...or where to find some help?
From what I can see that should work. Here's what I have just in case you missed anything:
<asp:DropDownList id="DropDownList1" style="Z-INDEX: 104; LEFT: 304px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 336px"
			<asp:RadioButtonList id="RadioButtonList1" runat="server" AutoPostBack="True">
				<asp:ListItem Value="Yes">Yes</asp:ListItem>
				<asp:ListItem Value="No">No</asp:ListItem>
    Private Sub RadioButtonList1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles RadioButtonList1.SelectedIndexChanged
        If RadioButtonList1.Items(0).Selected = True Then
            DropDownList1.Enabled = True
            DropDownList1.Enabled = False
        End If
    End Sub
and that works perfectly.


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On this page before I added the radiobuttons, there was a checkbox to control displaying the dropdownlist. It used some javascript to control this feature:

//Disable premium selection if NoPremiums is checked
function NoPremium( p ){
var doc = TheForm()
var a = document.getElementById("lnkSearch");

if( p == "radNoPremium" ){
doc.cboPremium.value = "";

//hide the control on the screen
function HideCtrl( obj ){
//if(obj.style.display != 'none')
obj.style.display = 'none';
// obj.style.display = '';

function ViewCtrl( obj ){
obj.style.display = '';

Could this have anything to do with the broken functionality?
Possibly. I would remove all scripts and references you have to those controls and just use the code I provided above.


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I finally got it to work, but when I click on a radiobutton the page refreshed to the top to the page. Any suggestions?
Yep - set the smartNavigation property of the page to True


Need help finding an answer?

Try the search facility ( or read FAQ222-2244 on how to get better results.

One more thing...

When I select the "nogift" radiobutton the dropdownlist disapears, then I select the other radiobutton and the page refreshes. Is this normal?
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