I'm having issues passing a command line argument into a VB script that I'm working on. The Echo shows me that the syntax is correct but where I'm trying to utilize it in the script doesn't appear to like it...Here is the code:
The strArgValue has to be represented in the FilterText with the single quotes which is why I put it together in it's own variable.
At a serious loss on this one...
Set imagenowAPI = GetObject( , "imagenow6.CtrlPanel")
Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments
Dim X
Dim strArgValue
Dim tabValue
' Configure request parameters
Set viewRequest = imagenowAPI.INCreateViewRequest()
strArgValue = objArgs(0)
tabValue = ("'" & strArgValue & "'")
WScript.Echo "The account number is " & tabValue & "."
X = viewRequest.SetViewName("EMR_Views", "Document")
'This is where you'll insert the patient account number
X = viewRequest.SetVSLFilterText(" Tab = tabValue ")
'There is supposed to be brackets around the Tab in the previous line.
' Now, let's open up the view in the full client
The strArgValue has to be represented in the FilterText with the single quotes which is why I put it together in it's own variable.
At a serious loss on this one...