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trouble mounting cdrom 1

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Technical User
May 14, 2001
I have rebooted my E250 (running solaris 7) Since the reboot I have not been able to access my cdrom. I have very little knowledge on solaris. I have tried to mount the cdrom but I get:

Mount: /dev/cdrom or /cdrom, no such file or directory
or mount: mount point /cdrom0 does not exist

what is going on?
so Solaris automatically starts the CD but on my machine its not. I have started the Volume management but still I get nothing. I have a cdrom dir under / but ls -l gives total 0 The dir is owned by root:root is this correct?
Have you checked the /etc/vold.conf file to see that you still have one? I am not thinking you should have a /cdrom dir if you do not have a cdrom in the drive. You might want to remove any media you have in the cdrom, remove the cdrom dir and reboot -- -r. The '-- -r' will pass the '-r' flag to the eeprom to reconfigure the /dev and /devices directories. You can also man vold, volume management daemon for the cdrom.

Good Luck,
If I try and remove the /cdrom dir it gives me this error (no matter who is the owner) The drive is empty as well.

#rm -rf /cdrom
rm: Unable to remove directory /cdrom: File exists

there is nothing underneath this directory

# cd /cdrom
# ls -l
total 0

Hi there !
Do you have a core install ? If so type this command.

#mount -F hsfs -o ro /dev/dsk/c0t6d0s0 /cdrom

U can restart the daemon by restarting the
/etc/init.d/volmgt service.
neither of the last 2 replies worked. I started the volmgt and then tried the mount command but got this error:
mount: /dev/dsk/c0t6d0s0 no such device

I have to wait for the weekend to come around so I can bring the box down for a reboot.
Let me ask this:
When I do a reboot -- -r is this going to cause any problems with the way my /dev is set up now. I mean I don't want to screw anything up just to get my cdrom working.

What are the sys files or important files that could be missing something if its not seeing the cdrom. I brought down the box and brought it back up and then no cdrom.

This is too weird.
Are you sure you have the device file name correct? My system has a different address (its an E450). I don't know how close the E450 and E250 are in terms of hardware addressing.

Here's the command I use on my system:
mount -F hsfs -o ro /dev/dsk/c1t6d0s0 /cdrom

Note that the device file is c1, not c0.

Check also the Sun site regarding a patch (106541_14, I think) that messed up the vold daemon.
I forgot to add that the info about vold being messed up by the patch is at the very end of a 21-page readme about the patch set. That was several months ago. Hopefully Sun fixed it.
Is the cdrom owned by any user? I cannot rm -rf /cdrom without an error that a file exists. no matter who the dir is owned by. I performed a reboot -- -r and I found nothing different. I did see that it was stating it needed a user "nobody" Does anyone know what that is for???

I still can't get this cdrom to work. When it reboots the lights flash and seems to be initializing.
The directory cdrom on my system is owned by root:nobody.

nobody is a system account. It is used by things like uucp and NFS. It should have been automatically set up on your system at installation. Here is the entry in my /etc/passwd for nobody:
And the line in shadow:
And the line in group:

Removing this account and group could cause troubles. I recommend setting up the group and user again.

Have you tried cd'ing into /cdrom? When I cd into my /cdrom, I see directories from my last use of the CD, even though the CD isn't in the drive.

Here is what I would do:

Set up the nobody group and user.
Kill vold.
cd into cdrom and rm -R anything that is in there.
cd out of /cdrom and try unmounting again.
Restart vold after you have unmounted the cd. The command to restart it is /etc/rc2.d/S92volmgt start

We suffered a similar problem when we applied the latest patches back in November.
The problem has been resolved now by applying tha latest patch set from sunsolve.

Ged Jones

Top man
This post helped me... a little anyways... a ton of my processes aren't autostarting during restarts and by manually starting volmg start, my cdrom started working again. How does this start during reboots?
Do a find in /etc for *volmgt*. You should have volmgt in /etc/init.d and an Sxxvolmgt in one of the /etc/rcx.d directories. On my system S92volmgt is in /etc/rc2.d. This is what restarts volmgt on reboot.
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