Hi I have an Access 2003 app that I am building and need to create controls based on what a user selects in a list box. So if the list box has three entries and the the user picks number 2, I need to create teo text boxes. If they pick three then create three boxes. I did this along time agoe but I can not rember what I did fully. can someone please tell me wha tI am missing.
Thank you
Here is what I have so far:
Dim ctlText As Control
Dim intDataX As Single
Dim intDataY As Single
intDataX = 0.375
intDataY = 9.4167
Set ctlText = CreateControl("CONTRACTS", acTextBox, , "", "", intDataX, intDataY)
Thank you
Here is what I have so far:
Dim ctlText As Control
Dim intDataX As Single
Dim intDataY As Single
intDataX = 0.375
intDataY = 9.4167
Set ctlText = CreateControl("CONTRACTS", acTextBox, , "", "", intDataX, intDataY)