I have never written a trigger before and I'm having problems following these wonderful manuals I have.
What I want to do is this:
On a daily basis create two new tables
create table tableA (fld1 char)
create table tableB (fld1 char)
Then I need to track new records or updates seperately.
create trigger newrecord insert on table1
for each row(insert keyfields from table1 into tableA)
create trigger update1 update of qty on table1
for each row (insert keyfields from table1 into tableB)
I'm getting syntax errors. How do I get the keyfield from table1 for each new record or updated records ?
What I want to do is this:
On a daily basis create two new tables
create table tableA (fld1 char)
create table tableB (fld1 char)
Then I need to track new records or updates seperately.
create trigger newrecord insert on table1
for each row(insert keyfields from table1 into tableA)
create trigger update1 update of qty on table1
for each row (insert keyfields from table1 into tableB)
I'm getting syntax errors. How do I get the keyfield from table1 for each new record or updated records ?