I have never written a trigger before. This is probably very simply, but I need some assistance:
The basic concept is as follows. When user puts values into Table One, a TRIGGER occurs and values are automatically put into Table Two:
Table One has 3 basic columns, and Table Two has 2 basic columns.
Table One
NumStart: 1
NumEnd: 3
Code: A
Table Two
Num: 1
Code: A
Num: 2
Code: A
Num: 3
Code: A
Thank you in advance for any help you can give.
I have never written a trigger before. This is probably very simply, but I need some assistance:
The basic concept is as follows. When user puts values into Table One, a TRIGGER occurs and values are automatically put into Table Two:
Table One has 3 basic columns, and Table Two has 2 basic columns.
Table One
NumStart: 1
NumEnd: 3
Code: A
Table Two
Num: 1
Code: A
Num: 2
Code: A
Num: 3
Code: A
Thank you in advance for any help you can give.