I am trying to implement a trigger that run a dts package when something is inserted.
My trigger is like this
"CREATE TRIGGER [RUNupdateDTS] ON [dbo].[temp]
exec master..xp_cmdshell 'DTSRUN /S (local) /e /n import_iqvc_inventory ' "
In my dts package, one of the step is to transfer those data from the temp table to another table, with the following transfer data task statement in the dts package
" SELECT SKU, Description, Price, MerchantSKU
FROM temp"
Now i try to insert something to my temp table to test the trigger, like:
"insert into iqvcimporttemp (SKU, description, price, merchantsku) values ('343', '34343', 22.22, 'cc11')"
The trigger does start and run the dts package, but then it frooze... I look and found that it is stopping at the point when it's trying to transfer the data from the temp table to another table, at that select statement above, it is being blocked by that insert statement.. How would i make it work???
I am trying to implement a trigger that run a dts package when something is inserted.
My trigger is like this
"CREATE TRIGGER [RUNupdateDTS] ON [dbo].[temp]
exec master..xp_cmdshell 'DTSRUN /S (local) /e /n import_iqvc_inventory ' "
In my dts package, one of the step is to transfer those data from the temp table to another table, with the following transfer data task statement in the dts package
" SELECT SKU, Description, Price, MerchantSKU
FROM temp"
Now i try to insert something to my temp table to test the trigger, like:
"insert into iqvcimporttemp (SKU, description, price, merchantsku) values ('343', '34343', 22.22, 'cc11')"
The trigger does start and run the dts package, but then it frooze... I look and found that it is stopping at the point when it's trying to transfer the data from the temp table to another table, at that select statement above, it is being blocked by that insert statement.. How would i make it work???