I have a ghost 7.5 image that spans 3 CD's (Win XP).
The first CD boots inside the VM and runs fine. It then asks for the next CD. I insert the CD and vmware will not continue the install. I get the following ghost error msg:
Cannot open I:\ACU-P001.GHS
The image was taken from a diff type of PC than the Host. The Host is a Dell Laptop running SuSE 10. The ghost image is from a Dell Desktop Optiplex GX270.
How do I fix this?
The first CD boots inside the VM and runs fine. It then asks for the next CD. I insert the CD and vmware will not continue the install. I get the following ghost error msg:
Cannot open I:\ACU-P001.GHS
The image was taken from a diff type of PC than the Host. The Host is a Dell Laptop running SuSE 10. The ghost image is from a Dell Desktop Optiplex GX270.
How do I fix this?