Does anyone here know all the ins and outs of the access treeview?
First I would like to know are the contents of a treeview saved when the user clicks save or when they are stored?
This is because an error is cropping up when the number of items in the tree is modified. When I output the number of nodes in the onload of the form containing the tree, it comes up with a number say 100 and if I do the same output at the end of the onload, it comes out with say 150. Now if the user hits the save button, what number should the treeview save?
On my version, it reverts to the original 100 instead of saving the most up to date number of nodes.
Also, is there any other way of removing all nodes apart from the following loop?
Thanks to anyone who can assist me.
First I would like to know are the contents of a treeview saved when the user clicks save or when they are stored?
This is because an error is cropping up when the number of items in the tree is modified. When I output the number of nodes in the onload of the form containing the tree, it comes up with a number say 100 and if I do the same output at the end of the onload, it comes out with say 150. Now if the user hits the save button, what number should the treeview save?
On my version, it reverts to the original 100 instead of saving the most up to date number of nodes.
Debug.Print "Onload of Mainpage: " & axTreeView.Nodes.Count
Also, is there any other way of removing all nodes apart from the following loop?
For ii = axTreeView.Nodes.Count To 1 Step -1
axTreeView.Nodes.Remove (ii)
Next ii
Thanks to anyone who can assist me.