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Treeview control based on ADO recordset

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Mar 16, 2004
I am using the following code to recursively populate a treeview control. I modified it from the code found at MS's website.

'This procedure populates the TreeView control when the form opens.
Private Sub Form_Load()
    On Error GoTo ErrForm_Load

    Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
    Dim nodCurrent As Node, nodRoot As Node
    Dim objTree As TreeView
    Dim strText As String
    Dim bk As Variant

    Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
    rst.CursorType = adOpenStatic
    rst.CursorLocation = adUseClient
    rst.Open "tblEmployee", cnn1

    'Create a reference to the TreeView Control.
    Set objTree = Me!xTree.Object

    'Find the first employee who is a supervisor.
    rst.Find ("ReportsTo = Null")

    'Build the TreeView list of supervisors and their tblEmployee.
    Do Until rst.EOF
        'Extract the supervisor's name.
        strText = rst![EmployeeLName] & (", " + rst![EmployeeFName])
        'Add a root level node to the tree for the supervisor.
        Set nodCurrent = objTree.Nodes.Add(, , "a" & rst!EmployeeID, _
        'Use a placeholder to save this place in the recordset.
        bk = rst.Bookmark
        'Run a recursive procedure to add all the child nodes
        'for tblEmployee who report to this supervisor.
        AddChildren nodCurrent, rst
        'Return to your placeholder.
        rst.Bookmark = bk
        'Find the next supervisor.
        rst.Find ("ReportsTo = Null")

    Exit Sub

    MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical, "Form_Load"
    Resume ExitForm_Load
End Sub

'This procedure adds child nodes to the tree for all tblEmployee who
'report to a particular supervisor, and calls itself recursively
'to add child nodes for all other tblEmployee they supervise.
'Note that this procedure accepts the open tblEmployee recordset by
'reference so you do not have to open a new recordset for each call.
Sub AddChildren(nodBoss As Node, rst As Recordset)
    On Error GoTo ErrAddChildren

    Dim nodCurrent As Node
    Dim objTree As TreeView
    Dim strText As String
    Dim bk As Variant

    'Create a reference to the TreeView control.
    Set objTree = Me!xTree.Object
    'Find the first employee who reports to the supervisor for this node.
    rst.Find "[ReportsTo] =" & Mid(nodBoss.Key, 2)
    'Build the list of tblEmployee who report to this supervisor.
    Do Until rst.EOF
        'Extract the employee's name.
        strText = rst![EmployeeLName] & (", " + rst![EmployeeFName])
        'Add as a child node to the tree.
        Set nodCurrent = objTree.Nodes.Add(nodBoss, tvwChild, "a" & _
            rst!EmployeeID, strText)
        'Save your place in the recordset.
        bk = rst.Bookmark
        'Add any tblEmployee for whom the current node is a supervisor.
        AddChildren nodCurrent, rst
        'Return to your place in the recordset and continue to search.
        rst.Bookmark = bk
        'Find the next employee who reports to this supervisor.
        rst.Find "[ReportsTo]=" & Mid(nodBoss.Key, 2), , , bk

    Exit Sub

    MsgBox "Can't add child:  " & Err.Description, vbCritical, _
        "AddChildren(nodBoss As Node) Error:"
    Resume ExitAddChildren
End Sub

Here is my problem. The code adds nodes to the tree as follows:


It then errors out because it seems to stay on Emp4 and continue to try to add rather than continuing to list the employees that report to Emp3.

What am I doing wrong?

Phil Edwards
When you modified the MS code, you changed it to use ADODB and you're using rst.Find instead of FindFirst. This is ok, but then you're checking for EOF instead of checking to see if your Find resulted in No Match. You're never getting to rst.eof because you're not moving through the record set, you're doing a find. Try checking for nomatch and see if that works
There is not a 'NoMatch' in ADO. What else do you suggest?

sorry, I should have been clearer. In ADO, the .find method will return True or False (meaning success or no success). so your code would have to look something like:

If rst.find "[ReportsTo] =" & Mid(nodBoss.Key, 2) Then
<insert stuff here>
end if

hope this helps
Actually, the code was failing because after you return to the bookmark, it is necessary to move to the next record to continue the find.

Thanks for taking a look at it though.

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