Is it possible to trap the number of the person calling into Symposium. My idea is to create a simple script that will be able to read back a telephone number. This is for internal use so our non tech people can see what extension a phone is simply.
I have found that I can trap the clid. Guess what its CLID. Next problem is that it appears to trap it as a string. So next question folks how to I change the string value to an integer...
Within the Symposium Script there is a variable called CLID which is the incoming number from the caller. I have sewd this in other cases now such as making sure that calls from my mobile can jump any queue.
As to a report to show incoming numbers. I used to use the standard cal by call report. But for some reason this is now giving NA for all CLIDS. I therfore use Crystal and pull out the data direct. You need to look at the call by call data (eCallbyCallStat<date>) and the clid is held in the EventData field preceeded by CLID, so nice and easy. But I would suggest a call logger would be far friendlyer.
Hello everyone,
Here is a sample script, I have not yet finished this on the Symposium that I maintain. But one of the sites uses this to detect the station numbers of a telephone. This also works great as a Detect number for any external numbers just like the phone companys.
/*Caller ID script. CDN xxxxx
Plays caller ID DN from which the call originates*/
ASSIGN CLID TO dn_holder_cv
Where does Symposium get the voice for the digits it reads out. I thought that it would be the c_one_gv etc variables. I recorded numbers into a voice file and pointed these global variables at the new voice segments, but nothing is read out.
I am actually on vacation right now until November 12. When I come back I will find out for you. I actually tried setting this up at my site but could not make it work.
If you make it work please let me know.
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