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Trapping PF keys in mainframes 1

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Sep 6, 2001
I am writing a Rexx program which displays ISPF Panel. If the user presses Enter key or PF3 key, the panel returns control to the program but I can not differentiate between the keys. I need PF3 to end the program and enter to Process furthur.

address ispexec "display panel(panel1)"
if KeyIn = 'f3' then EXIT else .......

If PF3 (i.e. END or RETURN) is pressed after a panel is displayed, the return code is 8 and when ENTER is pressed, it is 0.

This is what I tend to do...

address ispexec "display panel(panel1)"
if rc ¬= 0 then EXIT /* because PF3 was pressed */
say ' You pressed the ENTER key!'

Hope this helps.


Thanks Dave for the nice tip. Anyway, I tried to add in the panel

key = .pfkey

and in the program directly

if key = "pf03" then exit
if key = "pf07" then ..... else ...

This way, I could capture all the keys. Hope this is helpful to all.

Thanks again,
Manish. :)
Hi Manish and Dave ,
I am Mayank Jain from India. I am also writting REXX program and developing small utilities. But I have never trapped PF3 kays. I can create a panel , so please send me a complete code which uses ISPexec syntax.

Also, my objective here is to write a utility which converts assembly code to corresponding COBOL copy book.
any suggetion ..welcome..

waiting for the reply..

Hi manishkaduskar and all
I tried the way manish told but there is some error message poping up
Invalid statement found within )INIT, )REINIT, or )PROC section.

i gave key = .pkey in the init section
can anyone clarify me
Hi all
I found another way to trap function keys in mainframe
Use the zpfkey variable , to use it in the REXX pgm one has to vget it first and then check for any operation like
"ispexec vget (zpfkey) asis"

if zpfkey ='pf05' then


i think this could be useful

This statement doesn't seems to be working with my code
Are u sure that ZPFKEY is a system variable coz when i use the option HILITE REXX , the variable ZPFKEY is still shown in normal color. The other system variables (like RC) are shown in red

I think you are not getting desired result, becauseis that you were coding "if zpfkey ='pf05'" instead of
"if zpfkey ='PF05'" ==> Please note the case of PF05.

I am displaying couple of panels using REXX. I have assigned PF4 for EXIT and PF3 for Main Menu but If I press PF3 once it stores this value and come back to mainmenu. If I have enter the option from mainmenu it dispolays the next screen but when I have press enter key it pulls back the PF03 value.I am trying to reset the value of zpfkey = " " but it is not working.

Any one knows How can we reset the PF key values after displaying the panel?

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