I have two MSFlexGrids a VB Form. The first flexgrid (MSFlexGrid1) is populated from an ADO recordset. Column 6 of this flexgrid ("UnitsOrdered" is empty at first, but is editible by using a combo box. After selecting values (1, 2, 3 etc...) for certain cells in column 6, using the combo box, I want to transfer those rows, whose Column 6 value "is not null", to a second flexgrid. How would I be able to do that that dosen't involve creating another recordset from MSFlexGrid1. Thanks a lot for your help.
I have two MSFlexGrids a VB Form. The first flexgrid (MSFlexGrid1) is populated from an ADO recordset. Column 6 of this flexgrid ("UnitsOrdered" is empty at first, but is editible by using a combo box. After selecting values (1, 2, 3 etc...) for certain cells in column 6, using the combo box, I want to transfer those rows, whose Column 6 value "is not null", to a second flexgrid. How would I be able to do that that dosen't involve creating another recordset from MSFlexGrid1. Thanks a lot for your help.