Hi, we’ve a Avaya Communication Manager release 6.3. We’ve configured that all outgoing calls, route over a specific trunk.
We’ve configured the public unknown numbering. Al stations sending the main number of the company. When an user make a call, the correct CLID is send. That works fine.
When someone is calling from outside with sending CLID to the attendant, attendant answer the call, transfer it to employee (not a blind transfer). The employee have an internal extension with EC500 to their mobile phone. They see the main number in their mobile phone, works fine.
But when someone is calling with a restricted number to the attendant, attendant answer the call, transfer it to an employee (not a blind transfer), the employee sees restricted in the display, not the main number.
How is that possible, and how can I configure that when someone call with restricted number to the attendant, attendant transfer to EC500 extension, the employee sees the main number?
Problem only occur when someone calls to the attendant with restricted number.
We’ve configured the public unknown numbering. Al stations sending the main number of the company. When an user make a call, the correct CLID is send. That works fine.
When someone is calling from outside with sending CLID to the attendant, attendant answer the call, transfer it to employee (not a blind transfer). The employee have an internal extension with EC500 to their mobile phone. They see the main number in their mobile phone, works fine.
But when someone is calling with a restricted number to the attendant, attendant answer the call, transfer it to an employee (not a blind transfer), the employee sees restricted in the display, not the main number.
How is that possible, and how can I configure that when someone call with restricted number to the attendant, attendant transfer to EC500 extension, the employee sees the main number?
Problem only occur when someone calls to the attendant with restricted number.