Hi Folks
We've had the same setup for 8 years and now are changing our helpline. Currently our helpline (8401) goes straight to a voicemail greeting with a multi level attendent giving the option of 2 ACD groups and switchboard (0). We are now merging our 2 ACD groups (4001 and 4002) into 1 so we want to have a greeting and then transfer to the ACD group automatically.
I can work out how to change the ACD agent assignments and change the greeting, I just cant't fathom out how to forward to 4001 after the greeting. Help!
We've had the same setup for 8 years and now are changing our helpline. Currently our helpline (8401) goes straight to a voicemail greeting with a multi level attendent giving the option of 2 ACD groups and switchboard (0). We are now merging our 2 ACD groups (4001 and 4002) into 1 so we want to have a greeting and then transfer to the ACD group automatically.
I can work out how to change the ACD agent assignments and change the greeting, I just cant't fathom out how to forward to 4001 after the greeting. Help!