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Transfer PIX config from box A to B

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Nov 28, 2002
Hi All, New at this. I've been having lots of problems using wr & copy. I've been able to get the old config of box A. I've also upgraded box B with the image file needed (5.2(9) to support TokenRing) but I can't get the config I've taken from A to load on to B. I'm not sure if I should be using copy or write and the syntax necessary to pull the file from my tftp server. Can anyone help??
(Box A)
write net [TFTPIP]:[File name] <- this will write the config to your TFTP server

(Box B) {Console in!}
Cl config all <- clears any and all config's on the box

reload <- reboot the pix

the first password is cisco by default


password: (it's blank)

config t

ip address inside 192.168.x.x{same network as the tftp server}

interface eth1 auto <- turns on the interface

Ping 192.168.x x <- Ping the tftp server {test connectivity}

configure net [TFTPIP]:[File name]<- loads the config from the TFTP Server

write mem <-writes the TFTP Config to the flash


and the config from box A is now the running config on Box B

hope this helps
The easiest way to transfer the config, is to use something like HyperTerm and capture the text, then paste it onto the new one.

Steps :

Logon onto PIX A. Type 'pager 0' (This removes the paging format from the config.)

Type 'write mem' to ensure the latest config.

Start to capture the text. Save it to a txt file.

Type 'show conf'

Once finished, stop the capture.

Now logon the PIX B. Type 'conf t'.

Open the text file with the config in it. Select all the text and copy.

Back on HyperTerm, select Paste.

Type in 'write mem' and it is now saved to PIX B.

Once finshed, check the config and the config has been transfered. (add 'pager 24' if you want)

I like this way because there is no downtime for PIX A and you can check everything before making it live.

Hope it helps.

you will create a mess doing it that was because you are merging the new config with the old one so you will overlap statemnts causing a big mess for your self! = downtime on the new PIX

if you are needing to copy the complete config (CA KEYS ETC..) you must do it the was i stated above

doing the copy past method will not take over the passwords, CA Keys etc....

the method i stated above will have the least amount of downtime as well as the least amount of configuration time as well

He doesn't mention CA keys, or anything like that. Because he is using Token Ring, we have to assume he is going to ver 5.3, as this is the last version that supports 'broken' ring !

We are also assuming that the PIX B is clean and brand new. If it is brand new, then he will have to downgrade the PIXOS to v5.3

Doing the way I suggested works fine (aslong as there is no CA keys involved). This way DOES copy all the config across, including passwords.

But hey, we can only suggest things to the punters. If they really want help, they should raise a TAC.


But never assume!
&quot;Makes an A$$ out of U and ME&quot;
A Quote I was raised on!

Thanks br0ck & dazbbeattie.

br0ck was right, his method was the easiest espically since it was not a brand new PIX also the copy and paste doesn't put the config in the right order. Oh and dazbeattie, “broken” ring is needed for the mainframe so it’s used on all our desktops and internal systems and Ethernet outside, plus with all this virus activity in the last few days the Token Ring didn’t get clobbered even though ours only runs at 16Mb while the 100Mb Ethernet died not just here but around the world.

Thanks again guys, I finally understand the difference between:
copy tftp
confi net
write net
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