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Transfer Database

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Jan 29, 2003
I don't know if this is the right forum, but here goes. I have two command buttons on my form, one I want to be able to transfer a database that is located on my hard drive to another location (copy to disk) and the other I want to just transfer the database to another folder located on the same hard drive. My question is can I use the below code for each command button (coded seprately) to perform the above functions. I know it references 'a table', but can it be changed to move the whole database?

Sub sExportExternal(strDBFrom As String, strDBTo As String, strTableName As String)
' Procedure to transfer a table from one external Access database to another
' Accepts:
' strDBFrom - the name and path of the database that contains the table to be exported from
' strDBTo - the name and path of the database that the table is to be exported to
' strTableName - the name of the table that is to be exported
On Error GoTo E_Handle
Dim objAccess As New Access.Application
With objAccess
.OpenCurrentDatabase (strDBFrom)
.DoCmd.TransferDatabase acExport, "Microsoft Access", strDBTo, acTable, strTableName, strTableName
End With
Exit Sub
Select Case Err.Number
Case 3011 ' The table does not exist in the first database
MsgBox "'" & strTableName & "' does not exist in '" & strDBFrom & "'", vbOKOnly, "Transfer cancelled"
Case 3044 ' The database that we are transferring the table to does not exist
MsgBox "'" & strDBTo & "' does not exist.", vbOKOnly, "Transfer cancelled"
Case 7866 ' The database that we are transferring the table from does not exist
MsgBox "'" & strDBFrom & "' does not exist.", vbOKOnly, "Transfer cancelled"
Case Else
MsgBox Err.Description, vbOKOnly + vbCritical, Err.Number
End Select
Resume sExit
End Sub
If you are just trying to make a copy, why don't you just shell to xcopy?
How does the shell command work and where do I find it?

I am not exactly making a copy per se. I want to move older databases from one folder to another. The other folder is to be used for archiving. 'Moving' physically removes the file from the folder (I think). If I make a copy I'll have to go back to the original folder a delete the file. Plus I need confirmation of the move.

But if the Shell Command does this -- that's fine.


'copy the file
FileCopy ("C:\Databases\DB_A.mdb"), ("X:\Archive\DB_A.mdb")
'Delete the file
Kill ("C:\Databases\DB_A.mdb")

Okay I have a few hundred dbs in this folder. That code seems specific to one db at a time.

Where do I put this code in the AfterUpdate event of the form?
Shell is in the help file.

You might want to look into the FileSystemObject for moving mass amounts of files around.
I don't know whether the code in your post was original or not, but thanks either way for posting it. It was exactly what I have been hunting for for the past hour+ to copy a table between two other databases from a third one. I did my best to credit you in the comment section of my code--thanks again!

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