I was wondering if someone may be able to help me please. I am creating a quiz ( 10 Questions) and I would like to track the scores from start to finish. I have created the 10 pages for each question (coursebuilder) named Question1.htm to Question10.htm. I have then created a trackingframeset .
The page Tracking-scores.htm provides the initial link to each page .
I would like each page Question1.htm to question10.htm to load in the frameset moving from one question to the next. This is where i have the problem. I open each page (open in frame ) from Tracking-scores.htm but it will not link to each of my questions (Question1.htm to question10.htm)
I hope this makes sense I have tried to outline as best as i can what i am trying to achieve. Hopefully someone may be able to help me.
Thank you
I was wondering if someone may be able to help me please. I am creating a quiz ( 10 Questions) and I would like to track the scores from start to finish. I have created the 10 pages for each question (coursebuilder) named Question1.htm to Question10.htm. I have then created a trackingframeset .
The page Tracking-scores.htm provides the initial link to each page .
I would like each page Question1.htm to question10.htm to load in the frameset moving from one question to the next. This is where i have the problem. I open each page (open in frame ) from Tracking-scores.htm but it will not link to each of my questions (Question1.htm to question10.htm)
I hope this makes sense I have tried to outline as best as i can what i am trying to achieve. Hopefully someone may be able to help me.
Thank you