Using Crystal 10
I need to read a years worth of records in. These records are a list of goals set with some goals met. I need to report on a fiscal quarter basis how many people met at least one goal each quarter. Once a person has met a goal, they cannot be counted in any subsequent quarter, even if they have com,pleted a goal in a subsequent quarter.
Got any suggestions? The first part, who met a goal on a quarterly basis is easy, but I am having problems flagging a record so that it doesn't get counted in subsequent guarters.
I need to read a years worth of records in. These records are a list of goals set with some goals met. I need to report on a fiscal quarter basis how many people met at least one goal each quarter. Once a person has met a goal, they cannot be counted in any subsequent quarter, even if they have com,pleted a goal in a subsequent quarter.
Got any suggestions? The first part, who met a goal on a quarterly basis is easy, but I am having problems flagging a record so that it doesn't get counted in subsequent guarters.