I am using the following coding to copy data from one sheet and place it on a differents sheet stating with row 7 and then going down qith each successive row of data. At the end of this I need to total up a column. In a normal sheet I would put =sum(D7
14) but the problem is that there is no set length the number of entries will be. Sometimes it might be 1 and other times 10. Is there a way to do this in my coding. The way i did it is the second example I included.
y = 15
s = 11
z = (Worksheets("Part B").Range("A11"))
For a = 7 To 30
With Worksheets("Data")
If ((.Range("D" & a)) = z) Then
.Range("E" & a).Copy
Sheets("Part B").Select
Range("B" & y).Select
.Range("H" & a).Copy
Sheets("Part B").Select
Range("C" & y).Select
.Range("N" & a).Copy
Sheets("Part B").Select
Range("D" & y).Select
.Range("L" & a).Copy
Sheets("Part B").Select
Range("E" & y).Select
.Range("F" & a).Copy
Sheets("Part B").Select
Range("F" & y).Select
y = y + 1
End If
End With
Next a
If y > 15 Then
Range("A" & y + 1).Select
Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("A" & y + 1, "J" & y + 1), Type:=xlFillDefault
A & y+1 is entered as =Sum(A6:A10)
y = 15
s = 11
z = (Worksheets("Part B").Range("A11"))
For a = 7 To 30
With Worksheets("Data")
If ((.Range("D" & a)) = z) Then
.Range("E" & a).Copy
Sheets("Part B").Select
Range("B" & y).Select
.Range("H" & a).Copy
Sheets("Part B").Select
Range("C" & y).Select
.Range("N" & a).Copy
Sheets("Part B").Select
Range("D" & y).Select
.Range("L" & a).Copy
Sheets("Part B").Select
Range("E" & y).Select
.Range("F" & a).Copy
Sheets("Part B").Select
Range("F" & y).Select
y = y + 1
End If
End With
Next a
If y > 15 Then
Range("A" & y + 1).Select
Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("A" & y + 1, "J" & y + 1), Type:=xlFillDefault
A & y+1 is entered as =Sum(A6:A10)