I have the following query which selects the top 25 records based on the
"Random" field.
SELECT TOP 25 [qry Invoices].ID, [qry Invoices].Period, [qry
Invoices].Gross, [qry Invoices].Random
FROM [qry Invoices]
ORDER BY [qry Invoices].Random;
The problem is that I do not always want the top 25. Ideally I would like
the query to ask me how many records I want to show. Is this possible?
"Random" field.
SELECT TOP 25 [qry Invoices].ID, [qry Invoices].Period, [qry
Invoices].Gross, [qry Invoices].Random
FROM [qry Invoices]
ORDER BY [qry Invoices].Random;
The problem is that I do not always want the top 25. Ideally I would like
the query to ask me how many records I want to show. Is this possible?