In '96 we made the fateful decision to make OOP and distributed multi-tier architecture our only architecture. In my 5th decade in this field, this is the very first big new thing that wasn't a logical progression from my past experience.<br><br>So, a tip to all experienced programmers who are at the entry point of OOP. Don't try to continually compare it with the way you used to do it. Event driven and multi-tier structures absolutely bring about some loss of control the programmer has over the user. No more orderly sequences of logical operations where the user can only do next what the programmer provided. An object you need to use may be in the next county and recently changed by another programmer.<br><br>But the end results are worth it. Just pay attention to what the academics and experienced practioners are saying. Good luck. <p>John Kisner<br><a></a><br><a href= > </a><br>