And the question is?.... ;^)<br>
A little more info please. For example, what do your original files look like, and how do you want to divide them?<br>
ok! The files is a data file with a caractere and line feed et cariache return! I want to split a file in many file with to take 66lines with the original files and make a other one. I do that a each 66line of data. Im not a beginner in programmation but i start in Perl. I need help to learn how i cant do that. P.S. Im in DOS operation.
OK, I've got an idea on a quick and dirty script that should do what you need, but I don't want to post it yet until I've had a quick chance to try it myself. (There's nothing worse than feeding a beginner bad information :^)<br>
I'll have a look at something later, and try to get it posted tomorrow. That way you should get to see it before the world ends at midnight on New Year's Eve ;^)<br>
Bear with me, and we should be able to sort something out.
Heck, got bored waiting for a backup to finish, so here's the script.<br>
WARNING: It's been written and tested using perl V4.036 (I know, I know, but I can't upgrade to v5 on the box I was using) under Unix. Things like file names, etc, will need changing. Also, it worked on the quick and dirty test that I did, but you might need to amend things a little before you use it in a production environment.<br>
Script begins below:<br>
# The above line will need changing to point to your local perl binary. If<br>
# running under DOS, run the script through pl2bat to generate a batch file.<br>
# Divide an input file into an arbitray number of files as specified by a number<br>
# of lines.<br>
$Input_File = "testfile"; # Name of the input file.<br>
$Output_File_Prefix = "output"; # Name of all output files<br>
# will start with this.<br>
$Number_Of_Lines = 6; # Number of lines to split the file at.<br>
# Setup some counters.<br>
$Output_File_Counter = "0"; # Will be incremented for each file.<br>
$Input_Line_Counter = "0"; # Will be incremented as each line is read in.<br>
# Open the input file for reading.<br>
open(INPUT_FILE, "<$Input_File"<br>
# Now, loop around each line of the input file. As each line is read in, place<br>
# it into an associative array (a hash) which is keyed on line number. Also,<br>
# each line is read into a variable, so that we don't suffer from any $_ side<br>
# effects.<br>
while ($Current_Line = <INPUT_FILE> {<br>
# Increment line number counter at the beginning of the loop.<br>
# Place the current line into the hash.<br>
$Output_Hash{$Input_Line_Counter} = $Current_Line;<br>
# Have we reached our number of lines counter?<br>
if ( $Input_Line_Counter == $Number_Of_Lines ) {<br>
# We have.<br>
# Open the output file for writing. This will overwrite any<br>
# existing files of the same name.<br>
open(OUTPUT_FILE, ">${Output_File_Prefix}.${Output_File_Counter}"<br>
# Output the lines. What this little bit of code does is<br>
# read the keys of %Output_Hash, and sorts the keys into order.<br>
# As the keys are entered as 1,2,3, ... then the lines should be read<br>
# out in the same order as they were read in.<br>
foreach $Key (sort keys %Output_Hash) {<br>
print OUTPUT_FILE $Output_Hash{$Key};<br>
# Close the output file.<br>
# Increase the file counter.<br>
# Reset the line number counter to 0.<br>
$Input_Line_Counter = 0;<br>
Script ends above.<br>
Comments in the file should, hopefully, explain what's going on.<br>
You should be able to copy & paste it to test. Sorry if the formatting's gone a little out of whack during my posting. (Note to self: Must learn how to put formatting codes into Tek-Tips posts.)<br>
Hope this helps.
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