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To Address on scheduled instances.

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Aug 26, 2003
I have one report in CE 9.0. This report has about 100 instances scheduled, each one will have different parametrs and different peoples name in the to address. They are all shipped out via SMTP.

The address for the particular instances are changing all the time. I do not want to have to be typing these all in every time they change.

By using the CSP query builder on CE 9 Launchpad I run the wuery select * from CI_INFOOBJECTS. Low and behold I can see scheduling information. How the hell do I get to it in C#, CSP or anything as I need to ammend the name in the to address, cc address.

Can these fields be ammended.

Are there any other options. I figured I could just send to a mail group and then modify the mail group. But hell this should be available surely?

This may not be what you want to hear, but you need to be very carful that you are not break the License agreement as you are into Broadcast License teritory. The Lic limits you to 50 receipients i think. If its automatic and you want to send to more, like 100 users, you will need a Broadcast lic.
That ain't cheap.

The way I got around the hassel and cost was to put together a little app in Access to do the same thing.

There are other add-on products which can help you achieve what you want. I'm sure they have been posted before on the Tek tip site.

If you have access to the SMTP server's admin folks, have them create a mailing list..send the report to the list.


1.creating mailing list is my 'theres no other way at all -really at all never, never nothing else to do back up plan.

2. If I do create a mailing list then I will be stuck with maintenance. With a small bit of calculation I could be looking at in excess of three hundred mailing lists with in a couple of months. Sorry but I just dont want to do this I would rather bin the product and use another tool.

3. Nobody has come up with the licensing requirement. Crystal Decisions have been contacted and they cant be bothered to respond (not good service).

4. I thought thast broadcast License disappeared with Enterprise 9.0

Neeed to do this using code it really is the only way.

Stopeed short in C#, CSP, noe going the asp route.
Regarding Licensing:[ol][li]The Crystal Broadcast License (CBL) is specific to Crystal Reports that are distributed to more than 50 Users per month. It didn't go away, per se, with CR9, but it is included with the purchase of CR9 Advanced.[/li]

[li]What Fred is referring to is the Report Distribution License (RDL). The RDL is specific to reports distributed through Crystal Enterprise using the Set Destination (SMTP, FTP or Unmanaged Disk) feature. The RDL costs ~$45,000 MSRP. RDL rules for the following CE Licensing structures follow:

[ul][li]Named User License (NUL) - You are allowed to distribute reports via Set Destination to as many users that have a NUL. If you have 5 NULs then you can distribute reports to 5 users. A RDL is required if you distribute reports to more users than you have NULs for.[/li]

[li]Concurrent Access License (CAL) - Report distribution follows the 'Rule of 10'. CAL usage is estimated by Crystal Decisions to be 1 CAL/10 Users, on average. As such, you are allowed to distribute reports via Set Destination to the number of CALs X 10. If you have 20 CALs then you can distribute reports to 200 users. If you go beyond the number of CALS X 10 then you are required to purchase a RDL[/li]

[li]Processor License - For CE9 and above, if you have a processor license and you use the Set Destination Feature then you are required to purchase a RDL. Period.[/li][/ul][/li][/ol]~Kurt
That change is one of the reasons my company is considering dropping CE as our web reporting system..Or staying with 8.5 where we have the right to distribute to unlimited users.

so how much in £s. And even better is there something on Crystals webistes detailing this as I am currently being told by boss that we dont nedd this, we have enough user licences. (Boss and reality are in two differnt zones).

It is virtually impossible to find on their support web site ( perhaps they are not proud of it, or do not want to limit deal making)
It is on the CD in the doc directory as a pdf.

great any idea what the pdf is and I will have a look.
found it.
Thansk still no idea how much that is in pounds though.
Hi All,
Sorry for the bad news Mark on the Broadcast license...
but here is a artical from Ken Hamady of the Crystal Broadcast License that I was refering that you may have needed.
I think Ken makes it pretty clear,
Its unfortunate that getting info from the Crystal web site is lacking.
I thought the RDL was the same as the CBL... looks like we need to have a closer look ate the license agreement to clarify terminology.
This change of the license. re the processor license CE9 and above. If you had a processor license for CE8 or 8.5 and have kept the updates in order.You have then upgraded to CE 9 you are aloud to continue to distribute to an unlimited number of users. because you were entitled to the upgrade you get to keep the unlimited status.

That was what has been explained to us.

we have CE9 on disc and I started to read the licence.pdf file. Why companires can not make the licencing easy I dont know.
Hi RatSkin,
I thought ( actually hoped is more like it [smile]) that might be the case with upgrades...

Thanks for the confirmation....

Hi Mark,
Reading the License helps...
Looks like RHINOK is right. A RDL is required for distributing to more than the number of concurrent/named users.
Interesting because when we look at doing the same thing we got told from our Rep, a CDL was required.

Thanks for the clarification
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