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TLE for AS400 and FTP 1

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Jul 17, 2002
I am attempting to receive EDI data via FTP for use with TLE. My VAN is Easylink and they tell me that FTP is one long string of data. On the AS400 the files have predefined lengths. Any suggestions how to get around this?

Any assistance would be aprreciated.
I dont know much about AS400, but in case u wish to receive files via FTP, you could look at FTP software such as CUTE FTP client or any other client which could be downloaded from the net for testing.


If I understand rforeman's question correctly, the issue is not "how to ftp", since that is very simple and built-in to the AS/400 operating system, but rather how to format either the comm. setup parameters of the Easylink FTP with the Trusted-Link package (wrapped/unwrapped, record length), and how to define a database file to accomodate the data (or both).

Rforeman, I think the issue is the data stream, and how to setup the comm. parameters in TLE. We will be dealing with a similar issue with our van, GE. TLE only has the pre-defined network support for a BISYNC connection. You may have to setup a custom network and then experiment with the record length, wrapping, etc. The actual design of the AS/400 file is completely dependent on how Easylink FTP is setup in TLE.

Unfortunately, TLE support probably won't be much help on this (from my experience).

I agree with your point on the support. Their support is horrible. I did find a package that will handle the stream issue. Trailblazer, has a link directly to TLE and takes care of the streaming FTP file. Other than purchasing this product, there is no resolution according to IBM and TLE.

Yes, isn't it convenient how Harbinger has FTP support for their own VAN service, but not the others (Easylink, GEIS, etc.)? A good way to push their own data service, don't you think?

I've heard trailblazer mentioned several times before -- is it tremendously expensive?

It's more than I thought it would be. But, when you think about the money you sabe using FTP vs dial out, it will pay for itself in a year.

If you don't mind me asking -- less than $5k, less than $10K?

Less then than 10k. We haven't made the final decision to purchase yet. But, it looks like that may fill the holes that TLE has left open.
Hi All!

We use the Trailblazer software -- we use it for FTP and IP communications in and out of TL/400. It is a solid product and they have great support! It has a minimal learning curve because it can all be handled within CL script pgms. If you cost compare, they are reasonable -- especially for the IP communications. Just my $.02
If you're using TrustedLink, I suggest you get the latest release. It includes scripted FTP capability - to any IP address you care to connect to.

What version of TL/400?

The FTP supported in the latest TLE package is only native FTP, so it is like programming your own text scripts. From what I understand, the Trailblazer product allows CL-scripting and encryption and stuff. I believe they wrote their own ftp client so they get around some of the major headaches involved with text scripts
The latest version of TL400, which includes scripted FTP is 5.4.1
I'm an AS/400 programmer and just getting started researching what we need to do to implement the HIPAA laws which require us to send our eligibility/payments in a HIPAA format. I'm looking for an EDI translation software that runs on the AS/400.

I have FTP'd files from our AS/400 to a server at our site so I'm acquainted with that area a little but I need help regarding details like 'vans' and how the software links up to complete the transfer of data from our AS/400 to the destination site.

Is a van a software that links the AS/400 data with the destination? OR does the data have to be on a server to be linked?

what is TLE?

Are TL/400, EDI/400, Extol/400, Gentran/400 all translations packages for the AS/400?

Do you need a 'van' with each of these?

Could CL be used to FTP the data and also enter security codes. All our vendors want to use FTP but everyone wants the data on their site so they don't have to deal with our security and of course we want the same but if we could set it all up in CL/text file on the 400, it would work for me. Any suggestions are appreciated!


Hi Mary!

A VAN is not software. Consider it the electronic data world's version of a post office. You simply drop off all your deliveries (however often you choose) and it is the VAN's resposibilty to ensure their delivery to the end destination. You pay for them to manage this for you -- usually by characters sent/received.

TLE = Trusted Link Enterprise EDI Translation Software. TL/400 and EDI/400 are same thing. EDI/400, Extol and GenTran are all EDI translator packages with AS400 compatible systems.

You still need a VAN with any EDI translator you choose. However, most all will offer their services to you instead of a "traditional" van -- that can lead to a whole other topic.

Scripting CLs for FTP on the AS400 is made extremely easy and reliable with software from Trailblazer Systems (they have an AS400 flavor and an NT flavor). You can do it without this software, but it will take more work from you.

As far as the security and whom attaches to whom, that is more or less dictated by your internal policies regarding how people are allowed to connect to your AS400 (or if they are allowed to connect to your AS400). That is usually determined by the "laws" of the system administration for the AS400. Is it behind a firewall? Is it "available" for outside access? etc. As far as encryption, same applies as I stated above for FTP.

Hope that helps some. If you have more questions, you might want to start another thread as this is not really related to the original thread. But feel free to post!
Hi Mary,

We use a package called Boomi Exchange Series and we've had great success, you may want to add that to your research as I haven't heard it mentioned yet. They even helped us better understand a VAN, and actually helped us find an appropriate one for what we do.
Good Luck!
I know of a product called ECS/ie ( which has integrated EDI and XML Translators for the AS/400, which supports communications via FTP as well as traditional EDI VAN's
Very simple.
Ftp file to IFS and then copy from stream file to a physical file. Create physical file before coping data with 80 or 132 bytes lenght. The data will be wrapped and you will be able to process it in TLE.

FtpPlus400 is reliable and multifunctional as/400 ftp client.
Download and try it today from
Here's how I did it:
In your CL pgm, specify an input and output file.


Both of these are text type file members that I have in my QCLSRC file. The input file contains FTP commands that will log me into the remote system and perform certain functions. The text below will log the user EDIADMIN into the system using the password "password", then to the ls command which will list the contents of the default FTP home directory of that server, then it will end.

ediadmin password

The output file is a log of what happened when the ftp commands ran.

To run this from a CL:

FTP RMTSYS(system name goes here)

The commands in the input file will run.

In this instance, it will contain a list of the files on the remote system because I did the "LS" command.

You can then write an RPG pgm to read the log file, get the file names and then do another FTP session to "GET" the files and put them on the 400 somewhere and then delete the ones on the server - whether they be 997s, 850s, etc.

This is all done from OUTSIDE the TLE system. The physical file you load this data into should have one field in it - either 132 or 80 bytes long, depending on your trading partner and what they're sending to you.

At this point, you will have to use the TLE API to transfer data in and out of the mailbox. The pgm is caled CED810ZB. The parms are below:

TLE API pgm is CED810ZB. Parms for this API are as follows:

1. Session type - Char(1)
'1'= Send
'2'= Receive

2. Network ID - Char(2)
Trusted Link standard Network ID in uppercase letters OR
Trusted Link custom network ID (1 letter, 1 number) OR
Trusted Link pseudo network ID

3. Record Length - Char(3)
Record length of the physical file on the 400 that is
being used. Must be 80 or 132.

4. File,Lib & mbr name of physical file - Char(30)
File, Library and Member name of the physical file on the
400 that is being used.
positions 01-10 - File name
positions 11-20 - Library name (blanks defaults to *CURLIB)
positions 21-30 - Member name (blanks defaults to filename)

5. Add/Replace Records - Char(1)
"A" = Adds to existing records.
"R" = Clears the file before replacing records.

6. File wrapped/unwrapped - Char(1)
"W" = Wrapped records.
"U" = Unwrapped records.
Use only for pseudo networks. For all other networks,
leave blank.

Hope this helps!!

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