Hi I am not sure if any one can help me. I am creating a simple GUI to interface with another CAM tool. I need to make the interface have the same look and feel as the main CAM product. Everything looks fine apart from the 4 entry widgets which have a grey block around them which i cannot get rid of. I have tried the background option but it just changes the actual entry area leaving the grey block.
Note the entry is packed from Grid
my $E1 = $left->Entry(-relief => 'sunken',
-width => '10',
-borderwidth => '2',
-textvariable => \$outTrack);
Tk::grid( $E1, -row => 2, -column => 1, -sticky => 'ew');
I am i missing something? Has any one any ideas
Thanks in advance
Note the entry is packed from Grid
my $E1 = $left->Entry(-relief => 'sunken',
-width => '10',
-borderwidth => '2',
-textvariable => \$outTrack);
Tk::grid( $E1, -row => 2, -column => 1, -sticky => 'ew');
I am i missing something? Has any one any ideas
Thanks in advance