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Time to beat me up!!!

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May 7, 2002
okay, I just finished the first working draft of the site i'm working on. Let me know what you think.

the url:
I know the logo graphic needs cleaned up a little, and there are probably a few other things, but anyway, you gotta start somewhere :)

Oh, I forgot to mention the server it's on right now is not good and sometimes looses graphics, so you just have to re-load.

hi dis,

1) Is the polar payment https-site (secure.polarservices.ca/) part of your company or a srevice from an other company. If you click on it teher is no way back (unless one or more times the back button).
If you have influence on that part make a "home"-button.
If you have no influence then I suggest you add the target="_blank" to the payment link so it will open in a new browser-window.

2)Make all the forms more compact (smaller font and less space between the form-fields) Maybe you can put 2 fields on one row. This is less scrolling and a better view for the visitor

3)there is a big space between the top of the screen and the top of the navigation line (payment-bookings-What's new-services) that you don't use. Put this higher and the user has less to scroll.

4)I should also add the target="_blank" to the 3 industry links. This makes that visitors don't lose the focus from your site.

I hope this coment will help you,


<!-- My sport: Boomerang throwing !!
This year I will participate at the World Championships in Germany. (!! Many Happy Returns !! -->
Hi boomerang, thanks for your input, I will look into those things, as for the secure site, I redid that form too, I just can't upload to the secure site yet. If you want to view what will be on the secure section when I am done you just have to go to

It should look similar to the rest of the forms on the site.

thank you again,

okay, I added the target=&quot;_blank&quot; to those links, I never even thought of that. About the big white space on the top, that was bugging me too, but I really liked the way the line and the red line under the logo were even. So, what I did was made the logo graphic smaller (now it's even more fuzzy...:))then moved the navigation bar up. let me know what you think.

There is way too much white space on that opening page!!!

You should either fill it in with something or push the bottom up to fit on the screen with no scrolling.

This is a very basic site. It needs something. Add more color, organize your information in tables, and get rid of the little open circles in your lists. You should put that dropdown menu up higher and have the info displayed underneath or if you want it beside it then at least have the top of the info flush with the drop down or something. Perhaps add photos of what you're selling. People like to see what they are going to buy, much more friendly.

Actually you shoudl get rid of that pull down menu alltogether. Make a table along the left hand side going vertically and then that will immediately make the page more attractive.

Hope this helps!
Thanks spyderix, I will look into doing some of that. I realize the white space problem. I moved everything on the page up, but then forgot to move the bottom table up, I will fix that, but I still think there will probably be too much whitespace. As for the fact that this is a very basic site. I know, it's supposed to be nice and simple, those are my orders. I agree with you on the more color, but i've tried a few different things and couldn't get anything to look good. I'll keep working on that one. Your tables idea instead of using lists is good, I'll also look into that. Just so you know, I'm supposed to be getting more pictures, but I haven't yet so that's mostly why I left a lot of space on the left side, because I have no idea what they're giving me for pictures. I might get rid of that drop down list and make the &quot;service&quot; button on top a menu... I'm not sure yet.

Thanks for your advice.

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